StudyReason for Exclusion
Adamson, G. D., Diagnosis and clinical presentation of endometriosis, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 162, 568–9, 1990A narrative paper; an opinion
Anonymous, Risk factors for pelvic endometriosis in women with pelvic pain or infertility. Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dell’ endometriosi, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Biology, 83, 195–9, 1999Analysis does not look at any of the protocol’s listed factors; no comparison between pelvic pain and infertility, just trends in each group
Apostolopoulos, N. V., Alexandraki, K. I., Gorry, A., Coker, A., Association between chronic pelvic pain symptoms and the presence of endometriosis, Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 293, 439–445, 2016No adjustment
Bai, S. W., Cho, H. J., Kim, J. Y., Jeong, K. A., Kim, S. K., Cho, D. J., Song, C. H., Park, K. H., Endometriosis in an adolescent population: the severance hospital in Korean experience, Yonsei Medical Journal, 43, 48–52, 2002No adjusted analysis, just descriptive
Ballard, K. D., Seaman, H. E., De Vries, C. S., Wright, J. T., Can symptomatology help in the diagnosis of endometriosis? Findings from a national case-control study - Part 1, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 115, 1382–1391, 2008Diagnosed not suspected endometriosis
Ballard, K., Lane, H., Hudelist, G., Banerjee, S., Wright, J., Can specific pain symptoms help in the diagnosis of endometriosis? A cohort study of women with chronic pelvic pain, Fertility & Sterility, 94, 20–7, 2010No adjusted analysis; pain intensity and not “cyclical/non-cyclical” pain as in protocol
Barcellos, M. B., Lasmar, B., Lasmar, R., Agreement between the preoperative findings and the operative diagnosis in patients with deep endometriosis, Archives of Gynecology & Obstetrics Arch Gynecol Obstet, 293, 845–50, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Becker, C., Diagnosis and management of endometriosis, Prescriber, 26, 17–21, 2015A narrative review
Bell, J. S., Endometriosis. Will identifying risk factors enable an early diagnosis?, Australian Family Physician, 30, 649–53, 2001Narrative review
Brown, Julie, Kives, Sari, Akhtar, Muhammad, Progestagens and anti-progestagens for pain associated with endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012No investigation of signs and symptoms
Buck Louis, G. M., Backonja, U., Schliep, K. C., Sun, L., Peterson, C. M., Chen, Z., Women’s Reproductive History Before the Diagnosis of Incident Endometriosis, Journal of Women’s Health, 25, 1021–1029, 2016No investigation of signs/symptoms
Carneiro, M. M., Filogonio, I. D. D. S., Costa, L. M. P., De Avila, I., Ferreira, M. C., Accuracy of clinical signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of endometriosis, Journal of Endometriosis, 2, 63–70, 2010A narrative review/opinion
Chapron, C., Borghese, B., Streuli, I., de Ziegler, D., Markers of adult endometriosis detectable in adolescence, Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 24, S7–12, 2011A clinical narrative paper about management of endometriosis
Cheewadhanaraks, S., Peeyananjarassri, K., Dhanaworavibul, K., Liabsuetrakul, T., Positive predictive value of clinical diagnosis of endometriosis, Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 87, 740–4, 2004The study was not a prognostic study design
Farland, L. V., Tamimi, R. M., Eliassen, A. H., Spiegelman, D., Collins, L. C., Schnitt, S. J., Missmer, S. A., A prospective study of endometriosis and risk of benign breast disease, Breast Cancer Research & Treatment, 159, 545–52, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Forman, R. G., Robinson, J. N., Mehta, Z., Barlow, D. H., Patient history as a simple predictor of pelvic pathology in subfertile women, Human Reproduction, 8, 53–5, 1993Not entirely clear if RR is adjusted
Fraser, I. A., Recognising, understanding and managing endometriosis, Medicine Today, 9, 31–41, 2008Narrative review
Fraser, I. S., Recognising, understanding and managing endometriosis, Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 1, 56–64, 2008A narrative review
French, L., Dysmenorrhea in adolescents: diagnosis and treatment, Paediatric Drugs, 10, 1–7, 2008Narrative review
Galle, P. C., Clinical presentation and diagnosis of endometriosis, Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinics of North America, 16, 29–42, 1989A narrative paper
Garad, R., Vancaillie, T. G., Farrell, E., Pelvic pain: a diagnosis in itself, Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 21, 36–9, 2013A narrative review
Garry, R., Diagnosis of endometriosis and pelvic pain, Fertility and sterility, 86, 1307–1309, 2006A narrative paper, an opinion
Garry, R., The endometriosis syndromes: A clinical classification in the presence of aetiological confusion and therapeutic anarchy, Human Reproduction, 19, 760–768, 2004A clinical paper
Ghazi, N., Arjmand, M., Akbari, Z., Mellati, A. O., Saheb-Kashaf, H., Zamani, Z., (1)H NMR-based metabolomics approaches as non-invasive tools for diagnosis of endometriosis, International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine Int, 14, 1–8, 2016No multivariate regression analysis
Griffiths, A. N., Koutsouridou, R. N., Penketh, R. J., Predicting the presence of rectovaginal endometriosis from the clinical history: a retrospective observational study, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 27, 493–5, 2007No adjustment
Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio, dell’Endometriosi, Relationship between stage, site and morphological characteristics of pelvic endometriosis and pain, Human Reproduction, 16, 2668–71, 2001A cross-sectional study
Gungor, T., Kanat-Pektas, M., Ozat, M., Zayifoglu Karaca, M., A systematic review: endometriosis presenting with ascites, Archives of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 283, 513–8, 2011Diagnosed endometriosis
Gupta, Devashana, Hull, Louise M., Fraser, Ian, Miller, Laura, Bossuyt, M. M. Patrick, Johnson, Neil, Nisenblat, Vicki, Endometrial biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Halis, G., Mechsner, S., Ebert, A. D., The diagnosis and treatment of deep infiltrating endometriosis, Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 107, 446–55; quiz 456, 2010A narrative review
Harrison, B. T., Mittal, K., Morphologic features suggestive of endometriosis in nondiagnostic peritoneal biopsies, International Journal of Gynecological Pathology, 34, 507–516, 2015A study of morphologic and immunohistichemical features to improve diagnosis of endometriosis
Hassa, H., Tanir, H. M., Uray, M., Symptom distribution among infertile and fertile endometriosis cases with different stages and localisations, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Biology, 119, 82–6, 2005A cross-sectional study
Hickey, M., Ballard, K., Farquhar, C., Endometriosis, BMJ, 348, g1752, 2014Clinical (descriptive) review
Hickey, M., Balen, A., Menstrual disorders in adolescence: Investigation and management, Human Reproduction Update, 9, 493–504, 2003A descriptive clinical paper, an opinion
Hurd, W. W., Criteria that indicate endometriosis is the cause of chronic pelvic pain, Obstetrics and gynecology, 92, 1029–1032, 1998A clinical opinion
Hurd, W. W., Rothenberg, J. M., Schilder, J. M., Hurteau, J. A., Rogers, R. E., Chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis, Contemporary Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 11, 289–295, 1999A clinical narrative paper, an opinion
Hwang, S. M., Lee, C. W., Lee, B. S., Park, J. H., Clinical features of thoracic endometriosis: A single center analysis, Obstetrics & Gynecology Science, 58, 223–31, 2015Thoracic endometriosis
Jansen, R. P., Endometriosis symptoms and the limitations of pathology-based classification of severity, International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 40 Suppl, S3–7, 1993A descriptive study, an opinion
Jones, G. T., Psychosocial Vulnerability and Early Life Adversity as Risk Factors for Central Sensitivity Syndromes, Current Rheumatology Reviews, 12, 140–53, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Joseph, J., Sahn, S. A., Thoracic endometriosis syndrome: New observations from an analysis of 110 cases, American Journal of Medicine, 100, 164–170, 1996Thoracic endometriosis
Khetan, N., Torkington, J., Watkin, A., Jamison, M. H., Humphreys, W. V., Endometriosis: presentation to general surgeons, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 81, 255–9, 1999Pathologically confirmed and not suspected endometriosis
Kirkegaard, K., Sundvall, L., Erlandsen, M., Hindkjaer, J. J., Knudsen, U. B., Ingerslev, H. J., Timing of human preimplantation embryonic development is confounded by embryo origin, Human Reproduction Hum Reprod, 31, 324–331, 2015No endometriosis
Klein, S., D’Hooghe, T., Meuleman, C., Dirksen, C., Dunselman, G., Simoens, S., What is the societal burden of endometriosis-associated symptoms? a prospective Belgian study, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 28, 116–24, 2014A cost-off-illness study
Kumar, V., Khan, M., Vilos, G. A., Sharma, V., Revisiting the association between endometriosis and bipolar disorder, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 33, 1141–5, 2011Not the review question; a cross-sectional study
Kuohung, W., Jones, G. L., Vitonis, A. F., Cramer, D. W., Kennedy, S. H., Thomas, D., Hornstein, M. D., Characteristics of patients with endometriosis in the United States and the United Kingdom, Fertility & Sterility, 78, 767–72, 2002Confirmed and not suspected endometriosis
Laufer, M. R., Sanfilippo, J., Rose, G., Adolescent endometriosis: diagnosis and treatment approaches, Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 16, S3–11, 2003A narrative paper; an opinion about diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis
Lemaire, G. S., More than just menstrual cramps: symptoms and uncertainty among women with endometriosis, JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 33, 71–9, 2004A cross-sectional study
Liu, Emily, Nisenblat, Vicki, Farquhar, Cindy, Fraser, Ian, Bossuyt, M. M. Patrick, Johnson, Neil, Hull, Louise M., Urinary biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015Not relevant to the PICO question
Liu, X., Guo, S. W., Dysmenorrhea: risk factors in women with endometriosis, Women’s health, 4, 399–411, 2008Not a systematic review management of disease
Lorencatto, C., Petta, C. A., Navarro, M. J., Bahamondes, L., Matos, A., Depression in women with endometriosis with and without chronic pelvic pain, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 85, 88–92, 2006Not suspected endometriosis; a cross-sectional study
Lu, DongHao, Song, Huan, Li, Yalun, Clarke, Jane, Shi, Gang, Pentoxifylline for endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, -, 2012Not relevant to the PICO question
Luciano, D.E., Luciano, A.A., Management of endometriosis-related pain: An update, Women’s health, 7, 585–590, 2011Narrative review
Luscombe, G. M., Markham, R., Judio, M., Grigoriu, A., Fraser, I. S., Abdominal bloating: an under-recognized endometriosis symptom, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 31, 1159–71, 2009Women with diagnosed and not suspected endometriosis
Mahmood, T. A., Templeton, A., Pathophysiology of mild endometriosis: review of literature, Human Reproduction, 5, 765–84, 1990A narrative review
Majak, P., Langebrekke, A., Hagen, O. M., Qvigstad, E., Catamenial pneumothorax, clinical manifestations: A multidisciplinary challenge, Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 79, 347–350, 2011Pleural endometriosis (not in the protocol); n=9 -> case reports?
Majmudar, T., Abdel-Rahman, H., Pelvic mass - diagnosis and management, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, 18, 193–198, 2008A clinical narrative paper
Manta, L., Suciu, N., Constantin, A., Toader, O., Popa, F., Focal adenomyosis (intramural endometriotic cyst) in a very young patient - differential diagnosis with uterine fibromatosis, Journal of Medicine & Life, 9, 180–2, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Maroun, P., Cooper, M. J., Reid, G. D., Keirse, M. J., Relevance of gastrointestinal symptoms in endometriosis, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 49, 411–4, 2009No adjusted analysis, just a descriptive analysis
Matorras, R., Rodriguez, F., Pijoan, J. I., Soto, E., Perez, C., Ramon, O., Rodriguez-Escudero, F., Are there any clinical signs and symptoms that are related to endometriosis in infertile women?, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 174, 620–3, 1996Analysis adjusted for the total number of infertile patients; Not the confounder of interest
Menakaya, U., Lu, C., Infante, F., Lam, A., Condous, G., Relating historical variables at first presentation with operative findings at laparoscopy for endometriosis, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 54, 480–6, 2014Not adjusted
Mishra, V. V., Gaddagi, R. A., Aggarwal, R., Choudhary, S., Sharma, U., Patel, U., Prevalence; Characteristics and Management of Endometriosis Amongst Infertile Women: A One Year Retrospective Study, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research JCDR, 9, QC01–3, 2015Not adjusted
Murphy, A. A., Clinical aspects of endometriosis, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 955, 1–10, 2002Narrative review
Muse, K., Clinical manifestations and classification of endometriosis, Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, 31, 813–22, 1988A clinical narrative paper, an opinion
Nisenblat, Vicki, Bossuyt, M. M. Patrick, Farquhar, Cindy, Johnson, Neil, Hull, Louise M., Imaging modalities for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Nisenblat, Vicki, Bossuyt, M. M. Patrick, Shaikh, Rabia, Farquhar, Cindy, Jordan, Vanessa, Scheffers, Carola S., Mol, Willem Ben, Johnson, Neil, Hull, Louise M., Blood biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Nisenblat, Vicki, Prentice, Lucy, Bossuyt, M. M. Patrick, Farquhar, Cindy, Hull, Louise M., Johnson, Neil, Combination of the noninvasive tests for the diagnosis of endometriosis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Osayande, A. S., Mehulic, S., Diagnosis and initial management of dysmenorrhea, American Family Physician, 89, 341–346, 2014A narrative review
Pagliardini, L., Vigano, P., Molgora, M., Persico, P., Salonia, A., Vailati, S. H., Paffoni, A., Somigliana, E., Papaleo, E., Candiani, M., High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Infertile Women Referring for Assisted Reproduction, Nutrients, 7, 9972–84, 2015No study design
Petta, C. A., Matos, A. M., Bahamondes, L., Faundes, D., Current practice in the management of symptoms of endometriosis: a survey of Brazilian gynecologists, Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira, 53, 525–9, 2007A cross-sectional study
Pope, C. J., Sharma, V., Sharma, S., Mazmanian, D., A Systematic Review of the Association Between Psychiatric Disturbances and Endometriosis, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 37, 1006–15, 2015Not relevant to the PICO question
Porpora, M.G., Koninckx, P.R., Piazze, J., Natili, M., Colagrande, S., Cosmi, E.V., Correlation between endometriosis and pelvic pain, Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, 6, 429–434, 1999Biopsy proven and not suspected endometriosis
Ripps, B. A., Martin, D. C., Focal pelvic tenderness, pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea in endometriosis, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 36, 470–2, 1991No adjusted analysis, just a descriptive analysis
Signorile, P. G., Baldi, A., New evidence in endometriosis, International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 60, 19–22, 2015Pathogenesis of endometriosis
Skoog, S. M., Foxx-Orenstein, A. E., Levy, M. J., Rajan, E., Session, D. R., Intestinal endometriosis: the great masquerader, Current Gastroenterology Reports, 6, 405–9, 2004A case study of 2 patients
Smorgick, N., Marsh, C. A., As-Sanie, S., Smith, Y. R., Quint, E. H., Prevalence of pain syndromes, mood conditions, and asthma in adolescents and young women with endometriosis, Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 26, 171–5, 2013Women with diagnosed endometriosis; not suspected
Steed, H., Chapman, W., Laframboise, S., Endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer: a clinicopathologic review, Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada: JOGC = Journal d’obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada: JOGC, 26, 709–715, 2004Not relevant to the PICO question
Steenberg, C. K., Tanbo, T. G., Qvigstad, E., Endometriosis in adolescence: predictive markers and management, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 92, 491–5, 2013A narrative paper; an opinion
Stovner, L. J., Aegidius, K., Linde, M., Endometriosis and headache, Current Pain & Headache Reports, 15, 415–9, 2011A narrative review
Tan-Kim, J., Menefee, S. A., Reinsch, C. S., O’Day, C. H., Bebchuk, J., Kennedy, J. S., Whitcomb, E. L., Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Urinary Tract Injury: Experience in a Health Maintenance Organization, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 22, 1278–86, 2015Not relevant to the PICO question
Tervila, L., Marttila, P., Headache as a symptom of endometriosis externa, Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae Fenniae, 64, 239–41, 1975Not suspected endometriosis
Tietjen, G. E., Conway, A., Utley, C., Gunning, W. T., Herial, N. A., Migraine is associated with menorrhagia and endometriosis, Headache, 46, 422–428, 2006Women with a migraine and not suspected endometriosis
Toor, K., Wessels, J. M., Agarwal, S. K., Leyland, N., Foster, W. G., Clinical markers of endometriosis: have we been too quick to judge?, Medical Hypotheses, 82, 493–501, 2014Systematic review reports on biomarkers for correlation of endometriosis, not prognostic factors
Vercellini, P., Bracco, B., Mosconi, P., Roberto, A., Alberico, D., Dhouha, D., Somigliana, E., Norethindrone acetate or dienogest for the treatment of symptomatic endometriosis: a before and after study, Fertility & Sterility Fertil Steril, 105, 734–43.e3, 2016Not relevant to the PICO question
Vercellini, P., De Giorgi, O., Aimi, G., Panazza, S., Uglietti, A., Crosignani, P. G., Menstrual characteristics in women with and without endometriosis, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 90, 264–8, 1997No adjusted analysis, just a descriptive analysis
Vercellini, P., Giudice, L. C., Evers, J. L., Abrao, M. S., Reducing low-value care in endometriosis between limited evidence and unresolved issues: a proposal, Human Reproduction, 30, 1996–2004, 2015Not relevant to the PICO question
Waller, K. G., Shaw, R. W., Risk factors for endometriosis: Menstrual and life-style characteristics, Medical Principles and Practice, 7, 127–133, 1998Confirmed and not suspected endometriosis
Wilson, A. L., Endometriosis. A common cause of infertility and pelvic pain, JAAPA, 16, 20–3, 2003A narrative paper; an opinion
Yeungr, P., Bazinet, C., Gavard, J. A., Development of a symptom-based, Screening tool for early-stage endometriosis in patients with chronic pelvic pain, Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders, 6, 174–189, 2014The authors report combining variables in the analysis to gain statistical significance
Zannoni, L., Forno, S. D., Paradisi, R., Seracchioli, R., Endometriosis in Adolescence: Practical Rules for an Earlier Diagnosis, Pediatric Annals, 45, e332–5, 2016No study design
Zannoni, L., Giorgi, M., Spagnolo, E., Montanari, G., Villa, G., Seracchioli, R., Dysmenorrhea, absenteeism from school, and symptoms suspicious for endometriosis in adolescents, Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 27, 258–65, 2014Cross-sectional study design
Zondervan, K. T., Sivananthan, S., Nnoaham, K. E., Hummelshoj, L., Jenkinson, C., Webster, P., Kennedy, S. H., Susceptibility and risk factors for developing endometriosis: A diagnostic aid, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 107, S92, 2009Unavailable
Zondervan, K. T., Yudkin, P. L., Vessey, M. P., Dawes, M. G., Barlow, D. H., Kennedy, S. H., Patterns of diagnosis and referral in women consulting for chronic pelvic pain in UK primary care, British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 106, 1156–61, 1999Incidence of chronic pelvic pain

From: Appendix H, Excluded studies

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Endometriosis: diagnosis and management.
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