Date of last search: 31 January 2017

s50s6 and s49
s49s40 or s48
s48s41 or s42 or s43 or s44 or s45 or s46 or s47
s47ti ( ((consumer or patient) n/2 (focus* or centered or centred)) ) or ab ( ((consumer or patient) n2 (focus* or centered or centred)) )
s46ti ( ((adult* or attender* or brother* or client* or consumer* or customer* or famil* or father* or individual* or inpatient* or maternal* or mother* or patient* or people* or person* or sister* or spous* or women or user*) n3 (account* or anxieties or atisfact* or attitude* or barriers or belief* or buyin or “buy in*” or choice* or “co operativ*” or cooperat* or co operat* or expectation* or experienc* or feedback or feeling* or idea* or inform* or involv* or opinion* or participat* or perceive* or perception* or perspective* or preferen* or prepar* or priorit* or satisf* or view* or voices or worry)) ) or ab ( ((adult* or attender* or brother* or client* or consumer* or customer* or famil* or father* or individual* or inpatient* or maternal* or mother* or patient* or people* or person* or sister* or spous* or women or user*) n3 (account* or anxieties or atisfact* or attitude* or barriers or belief* or buyin or “buy in*” or choice* or “co operativ*” or cooperat* or co operat* or expectation* or experienc* or feedback or feeling* or idea* or inform* or involv* or opinion* or participat* or perceive* or perception* or perspective* or preferen* or prepar* or priorit* or satisf* or view* or voices or worry)) )
s45(mh “quality of health care”) or (mh “patient satisfaction”) or (mh “patient compliance”) or (mh “participant observation”) or (mh “attitude to health”) or ti ( (interview* or questionnaire* or survey*) ) or ab ( (interview* or questionnaire* or survey*) ) or pt interview or (mh “questionnaires”) or interviews as topics or (mh “surveys”)
s44(qualitative* and (metaanal* or “meta anal*” or synthes* or systematic review*))
s43(“cross case analys*” or “eppi approach” or metaethno* or “meta ethno*” or metanarrative* or “meta narrative*” or “meta overview” or metaoverview or metastud* or “meta stud*” or metasummar* or “meta summar*” or “qualitative overview*” or ((“critical interpretative” or evidence or meta or mixed methods or multilevel or “multi level” or narrative or parallel or realist) n1 synthes*) or metasynthes*)
s42ti ( (“action research” or audiorecord* or ((audio or tape or video*) n5 record*) or colaizzi* or (constant n1 (comparative or comparison)) or “content analy*” or “critical social*” or (data n1 saturat*) or “discourse analysis” or emic or “ethical enquiry” or ethno* or etic or experiences or fieldnote* or (field n1 (note* or record* or stud* or research)) or (focus n4 (group* or sampl*)) or ((focus* or structured) n2 interview*) or giorgi* or glaser or (grounded n1 (theor* or study or studies or research)) or heidegger* or hermeneutic* or heuristic or “human science” or husserl* or ((life or lived) n1 experience*) or “maximum variation” or merleau or narrat* or ((participant* or nonparticipant*) n3 observ*) or ((philosophical or social) n1 research*) or (“pilot testing” and survey) or “purpos* sampl*” or qualitative* or ricoeur or semiotics or shadowing or snowball or spiegelberg* or stories or story or storytell* or strauss or “structured categor*” or “tape record*” or taperecord* or testimon* or (thematic* n3 analys*) or themes or “theoretical sampl*” or “unstructured categor*” or “van kaam*” or “van manen” or videorecord* or “video record*” or videotap* or “video tap*”) ) or ab ( (“action research” or audiorecord* or ((audio or tape or video*) n5 record*) or colaizzi* or (constant n1 (comparative or comparison)) or “content analy*” or “critical social*” or (data n1 saturat*) or “discourse analysis” or emic or “ethical enquiry” or ethno* or etic or experiences or fieldnote* or (field n1 (note* or record* or stud* or research)) or (focus n4 (group* or sampl*)) or ((focus* or structured) n2 interview*) or giorgi* or glaser or (grounded n1 (theor* or study or studies or research)) or heidegger* or hermeneutic* or heuristic or “human science” or husserl* or ((life or lived) n1 experience*) or “maximum variation” or merleau or narrat* or ((participant* or nonparticipant*) n3 observ*) or ((philosophical or social) n1 research*) or (“pilot testing” and survey) or “purpos* sampl*” or qualitative* or ricoeur or semiotics or shadowing or snowball or spiegelberg* or stories or story or storytell* or strauss or “structured categor*” or “tape record*” or taperecord* or testimon* or (thematic* n3 analys*) or themes or “theoretical sampl*” or “unstructured categor*” or “van kaam*” or “van manen” or videorecord* or “video record*” or videotap* or “video tap*”) )
s41(mh “cluster analysis”) or (mh “qualitative studies”) or (mh “narratives”) or (mh “videorecording”) or (mh “audiorecording”) or (mh “grounded theory”) or (mh “focus groups”) or (mh “cluster analysis”) or (mh “anthropology, cultural”)
s40s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 or s11 or s12 or s13 or s14 or s15 or s16 or s17 or s18 or s19 or s20 or s21 or s22 or s23 or s29 or s30 or s31 or s34 or s35 or s36 or s37 or s38 or s39
s39ti ( analy* n5 review* or evidence* n5 review* or methodol* n5 review* or quantativ* n5 review* or systematic* n5 review* ) or ab ( analy* n5 review* or assessment* n5 review* or evidence* n5 review* or methodol* n5 review* or qualitativ* n5 review* or quantativ* n5 review* or systematic* n5 review* )
s38ti ( pool* n2 results or combined n2 results or combining n2 results ) or ab ( pool* n2 results or combined n2 results or combining n2 results )
s37ti ( pool* n2 studies or combined n2 studies or combining n2 studies ) or ab ( pool* n2 studies or combined n2 studies or combining n2 studies )
s36ti ( pool* n2 trials or combined n2 trials or combining n2 trials ) or ab ( pool* n2 trials or combined n2 trials or combining n2 trials )
s35ti ( pool* n2 data or combined n2 data or combining n2 data ) or ab ( pool* n2 data or combined n2 data or combining n2 data )
s34s32 and s33
s33ti review* or pt review*
s32ti analy* or assessment* or evidence* or methodol* or quantativ* or qualitativ* or systematic*
s31ti “systematic* n5 search*” or ab “systematic* n5 search*”
s30ti “systematic* n5 review*” or ab “systematic* n5 review*”
s29(s24 or s25 or s26) and (s27 or s28)
s28ti systematic* or ab systematic*
s27tx review* or mw review* or pt review*
s26(mh “cochrane library”)
s25ti ( bids or cochrane or embase or “index medicus” or “isi citation” or medline or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or “science citation” or web n2 science ) or ab ( bids or cochrane or “index medicus” or “isi citation” or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or “science citation” or web n2 science )
s24ti ( “electronic database*” or “bibliographic database*” or “computeri?ed database*” or “online database*” ) or ab ( “electronic database*” or “bibliographic database*” or “computeri?ed database*” or “online database*” )
s23(mh “literature review”)
s22pt systematic* or pt meta*
s21ti ( “fixed effect*” or “random effect*” ) or ab ( “fixed effect*” or “random effect*” )
s20ti ( “mantel haenszel” or peto or dersimonian or “der simonian” ) or ab ( “mantel haenszel” or peto or dersimonian or “der simonian” )
s19ti ( handsearch* or “hand search*” or “manual search*” ) or ab ( handsearch* or “hand search*” or “manual search*” )
s18ab “data extraction” or “data synthesis”
s17ab “selection criteria”
s16ab “relevant journals”
s15ab “published studies”
s14ab bibliograph*
s13ti “reference list*”
s12ab “reference list*”
s11ti ( “research review*” or “research integration” ) or ab ( “research review*” or “research integration” )
s10ti ( metaanal* or “meta anal*” or metasynthes* or “meta synethes*” ) or ab ( metaanal* or “meta anal*” or metasynthes* or “meta synethes*” )
s9(mh “meta analysis”)
s8(mh “systematic review”)
s7(mh “literature searching+”)
s6s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5
s5ti ( (posttraumatic* or “post traumatic*” or “stress disorder*” or “acute stress” or ptsd or asd or desnos or (“combat neuros*” or “combat syndrome” or “concentration camp syndrome” or “extreme stress” or flashback* or “flash back*” or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or “psych* stress” or “psych* trauma*” or psychotrauma* or psychotrauma*) or (posttrauma* or traumagenic* or “traumatic stress*”)) ) or ab ( (posttraumatic* or “post traumatic*” or “stress disorder*” or “acute stress” or ptsd or asd or desnos or (“combat neuros*” or “combat syndrome” or “concentration camp syndrome” or “extreme stress” or flashback* or “flash back*” or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or “psych* stress” or “psych* trauma*” or psychotrauma* or psychotrauma*) or (posttrauma* or traumagenic* or “traumatic stress*”)) )
s4ti ( (trauma* and (avoidance or grief or horror or death* or nightmare* or “night mare*” or emotion*)) ) or ab ( (trauma* and (avoidance or grief or horror or death* or nightmare* or “night mare*” or emotion*)) )
s3ti ( (“railway spine” or (rape near/2 trauma*) or reexperienc* or “re experienc*” or “torture syndrome” or “traumatic neuros*” or “traumatic stress”) ) or ab ( (“railway spine” or (rape near/2 trauma*) or reexperienc* or “re experienc*” or “torture syndrome” or “traumatic neuros*” or “traumatic stress”) )
s2(mh “stress, psychological”)
s1(mh “stress disorders, post-traumatic”)

From: Evidence review for principles of care

Cover of Evidence review for principles of care
Evidence review for principles of care: Post-traumatic stress disorder: Evidence review H.
NICE Guideline, No. 116.
National Guideline Alliance (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2018.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.