Table B1.1Excluded Systematic Reviews, with Reasons for Exclusion

Author, YearReason for ExclusionRationale
Al Tunaiji 2019 (1)DesignIncludes no studies published after 2017
Amirfaiz 2019 (3)OutcomeOutcome (metabolic syndrome) out of scope
Banno 2018 (5)PopulationReview limited to persons with insomnia; not generalizable
Coenen 2018 (16)ExposureOccupational physical activity
Colpani 2018 (17)ExposureAny lifestyle factor, not physical activity independently
Del Pozo-Cruz 2018 (18)ExposureReplacing sedentary time
Fernandes 2018 (22)ExposureAcute exercise only
Flahr 2018 (23)PopulationReview limited to studies of shift workers; not generalizable
Fuezeki 2017 (24)DesignAnalysis of NHANES data only
Guo 2017 (27)ExposureAny cardiovascular health metric
Halloway 2017 (28)OutcomeMRI brain imaging
Herold 2019 (30)OutcomeRequired measures of functional or structural brain changes
Hussenoeder 2018 (32)DesignOverview-of-reviews
Igarashi 2018a (33)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Igarashi 2018b (34)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Jiang 2017 (35)PopulationReview limited to persons with insomnia; not generalizable
Lewis 2018 (37)OutcomeOutcome (zeitebers/circadian system time cues) out of scope
Lipnicki 2019 (38)DesignNot a systematic review
Liu 2018 (40)DesignPooled data from Asia consortium; study is included in the review by Blond (11)
Lopez-Valenciano 2019 (41)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Loprinzi 2018a (44)ExerciseAcute exercise
Loprinzi 2018c (42)PopulationMost studies conducted with rodents
Lowe 2019 (45)PopulationReview limited to persons with insomnia; not generalizable
Murphy 2019 (48)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Nordengen 2019 (49)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Oja 2018 (52)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Origua Rios 2017 (53)OutcomeResults not presented by study nor in format amendable to GRADE evaluation
Prince 2019 (56)RelevanceAim is to examine the prevalence of different types of PA according to various occupational types
Shepherd-Banigan 2017 (62)RelevanceOnly 3 new trials identified that examined the effects of yoga on the incidence of hot flashes among peri- and post-menopausal women
Smart 2019 (64)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure
Stringhini 2017 (67)DesignNot a systematic review
Viana 2019 (71)QualityStatement of concern published by journal to alert readers of uncertainty about the weight and significance reported by authors
Wang 2019 (72)PopulationReview limited to persons with active sleep disturbances or insomnia; not generalizable
Wewege 2018 (74)RedundancyReview by Andreato 2018 is more recent, more comprehensive, and better quality and includes all included studies by Wewege; similar results were found with both reviews.
Zhang 2018 (75)OutcomeContinuous blood pressure


Cover of WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour.
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