Outcomes during treatment of DKA

No. of studiesStudy designSample sizeEffect size (95% CI)Absolute risk: control *Absolute risk: intervention (95% CI)Estimated MID for MDRisk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionQuality
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline
Kuppermann 2018 RCT13611.27 (0.72, 2.22)3 per 100 children and young people4 more per 100 children and young people (2 less, 7 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline – fast rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT6821.07 (0.46, 2.50)3 per 100 children and young people3 per 100 children and young people (1 less, 7 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline– slow rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT6791.44 (0.68, 3.06)3 per 100 children and young people5 more per 100 children and young people (2 less, 10 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))
Kuppermann 2018 RCT2821.66 (0.81, 3.38)8 per 100 children and young people13 more per 100 children and young people (6 less, 26 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))- fast rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT1311.62 (0.50, 5.27)6 per 100 children and young people10 more per 100 children and young people (3 less, 33 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Confirmed decline in Glasgow Coma Scale score to <14 - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))- slow rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT1511.68 (0.69, 4.10)9 per 100 children and young people15 more per 100 children and young people (6 less, 37 more)-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline
Kuppermann 2018 RCT13890.70 (0.22, 2.21)1 per 100 children and young people1 per 100 children and young people (0 less, 2 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline – fast rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT6950.98 (0.14, 6.92)1 per 100 children and young people1 per 100 children and young people (0 less, 4 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline – slow rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT6940.59 (0.14, 2.46)1 per 100 children and young people1 per 100 children and young people (0 less, 4 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))
Kuppermann 2018 RCT3031.03 (0.26, 4.02)3 per 100 children and young people3 per 100 children and young people (1 less, 11 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))- fast rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT1410.96 (0.06, 15.02)1 per 100 children and young people1 per 100 children and young people (0 less, 22 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Clinically apparent brain injury - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline - in children with severe DKA (defined as with initial pH in the lowest quartile of the study group (pH <7.0))- slow rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT1621.05 (0.22, 5.05)4 per 100 children and young people4 per 100 children and young people (1 less, 18 more)-No seriousNA1Serious3Serious2Low
Mortality- RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline
Kuppermann 2018 RCT4850.31 (0.01, 7.45)1 per 100 children and young peopleNot estimable because of very low/zero event-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Mortality- RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline – fast rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT2380.31 (0.01, 7.45)1 per 100 children and young peopleNot estimable because of very low/zero event-No seriousNA1No seriousSerious2Moderate
Mortality- RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline – slow rate
Kuppermann 2018 RCT247RR not estimable due to zero event in both armsNo seriousNA1No seriousVery serious4Low
Renal failure - RR less than 1 favours 0.9% saline
Kuppermann 2018 RCT1389RR not estimable due to zero event in both armsNo seriousNA1No seriousVery serious4Low

Inconsistency not applicable for single study.


Downgrade 1 level for serious imprecision. 95% confidence interval crosses the line of no effect.


Downgrade 1 level due to indirectness. Outcome was not specified in review protocol.


Downgrade 2 levels for very serious imprecision. Effect size could not be calculated.


Derived by taking the overall number of event/ total number of participants and multiplying by 100.

From: Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis

Cover of Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis: Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management: Evidence review A.
NICE Guideline, No. 18.
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