Outcomes during treatment of DKA

No. of studiesStudy designSample sizeEffect size (95% CI)QualityInterpretation of effect
Healthcare utilisation- Mean PICU length of stay (hours) -MD less than 0 favours 0.9% saline
Basnet 2014 Retrospective cohort study88MD: 2.00 (−1.01, 5.01)LowCould not differentiate between IV fluids
Rate of change of glucose (mg/dL/h) - MD greater than 0 favours 0.9% saline
Basnet 2014 Retrospective cohort study88MD: −7.70 (−18.02, 2.62)LowCould not differentiate between IV fluids
Change in corrected sodium from baseline (meq/L) -MD greater than 0 favours 0.9% saline
Basnet 2014 Retrospective cohort study88MD:3.50 (1.43, 5.57)Low 0.9% saline favoured

From: Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis

Cover of Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Evidence reviews for fluid therapy for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis: Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management: Evidence review A.
NICE Guideline, No. 18.
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