StudyCode [Reason]
(2010) Sharing Data between Child Welfare and Education to Improve Outcomes for Children and Youth in the Foster Care System. Policy Brief. Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning: 1–4 - Not a peer-reviewed publication
Bastiaanssen, Inge L. W, Delsing, Marc J. M. H, Geijsen, Luuk et al. (2014) Observations of group care worker-child interaction in residential youth care: Pedagogical interventions and child behavior.. Child & Youth Care Forum 43(2): 227–241 - Study does not contain a relevant intervention
Bean, Pamela, White, Ladd, Neagle, Lee et al. (2005) Is residential care an effective approach for treating adolescents with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health diagnoses?. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal 1(2): 50–60 No indication that this population is looked after
Berridge, David (2017) The education of children in care: Agency and resilience.. Children and Youth Services Review 77: 86–93

To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ4.4

Brannstrom, Lars; Vinnerljung, Bo; Hjern, Anders (2013) Long-term outcomes of Sweden’s Contact Family Program for children.. Child abuse & neglect 37(6): 404–14 [PubMed: 23490057] No indication that this population is looked after
Clemens, Elysia V, Klopfenstein, Kristin, Lalonde, Trent L et al. (2018) The effects of placement and school stability on academic growth trajectories of students in foster care.. Children and Youth Services Review 87: 86–94 - Not an investigation of an intervention
Crosby, Shantel D, Somers, Cheryl L, Day, Angelique G et al. (2017) Examining school attachment, social support, and trauma symptomatology among court-involved, female students.. Journal of Child and Family Studies 26(9): 2539–2546 - Not an investigation of an intervention
Denecheau B. (2011) Children in residential care and school engagement or school ‘dropout’: What makes the difference in terms of policies and practices in england and france?. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 16(3): 277–287

-To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ4.4

Dickinson, Janet and Miller, Mandy (2002) Complex Learning Difficulties and EBD. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 7(4): 197–206 - Intervention description/practice report
Durbeej, Natalie and Hellner, Clara (2017) Improving school performance among Swedish foster children: A quasi-experimental study exploring outcomes of the Skolfam model.. Children and Youth Services Review 82: 466–476

-Intervention describes the use of an education plan with a multidisciplinary team (covered by statutory care but check with committee)

-Not included under this question since uncontrolled before and after study

Also, to be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ2.1

- RQ3.2

Dymoke, Sue and Griffiths, Rose (2010) The Letterbox Club: The impact on looked-after children and their carers of a national project aimed at raising achievements in literacy for children aged 7 to 11 in foster care.. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10(1): 52–60

-To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ4.4

Ennis, Robin Parks, Jolivette, Kristine, Boden, Lauren J et al. (2013) STOP and DARE: Self-regulated strategy development for persuasive writing with elementary students with E/BD in a residential facility.. Education & Treatment of Children 36(3): 81–99 -No indication that this population is looked after
Evans, Rhiannon, Brown, Rachel, Rees, Gwyther et al. (2017) Systematic review of educational interventions for looked-after children and young people: Recommendations for intervention development and evaluation.. British Educational Research Journal 43(1): 68–94 [PubMed: 28239209] -Systematic review, checked for relevant citations
Feuerstein R., Rand Y., Hoffman M. et al. (2004) Cognitive modifiability in retarded adolescents: Effects of Instrumental Enrichment. Pediatric Rehabilitation 7(1): 20–29 [PubMed: 14744671]

-Unclear that adolescents are looked after (study refers to their parents and number of children per family

- Non-UK setting (Israel)

Finn, Jerry and Kerman, Ben (2004) Internet Risks for Foster Families Online.. Journal of Technology in Human Services 22(4): 21–38

- Study does not contain a relevant intervention (Ruled out by committee as not being an intervention of interest: providing internet access to foster families)

- Non-UK setting

Finn, Jerry, Kerman, Ben, LeCornec, Juliette et al. (2005) Reducing the Digital Divide for Children in Foster Care: First-Year Evaluation of the Building Skills-Building Futures Program.. Research on Social Work Practice 15(6): 470–480

- Study does not contain a relevant intervention (Ruled out by committee as not being an intervention of interest: providing internet access to foster families)

- Non-UK setting

FLETCHER-CAMPBELL Felicity (2001) Issues of inclusion. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 6(2): 69–89 - Qualitative study published prior to 2010 (original qualitative data collected and published prior to 2000; also no methods described)
Fox, Paul and Avramidis, Elias (2003) An evaluation of an outdoor education programme for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties.. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 8(4): 267–283

-To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ4.4

Francis, Yvonne J, Bennion, Kim, Humrich, Sarah et al. (2017) Evaluating the outcomes of a school based Theraplay project for looked after children.. Educational Psychology in Practice 33(3): 308–322 -To be considered for inclusion under a different review question
Gairal-Casado, Regina, Garcia-Yeste, Carme, Novo-Molinero, Maria Teresa et al. (2019) Out of school learning scientific workshops: Stimulating institutionalized Adolescents’ educational aspirations. Children and Youth Services Review 103: 116–126 - non-UK qualitative study
Griffiths, Rose (2012) The Letterbox Club: An account of a postal club to raise the achievement of children aged 7 to 13 in foster care.. Children and Youth Services Review 34(6): 1101–1106

- Quantitative data incomplete (no measure of spread or statistical significance of difference)

-To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ4.4

Hooper, S R, Murphy, J, Devaney, A et al. (2000) Ecological outcomes of adolescents in a psychoeducational residential treatment facility.. The American journal of orthopsychiatry 70(4): 491–500 [PubMed: 11086527] - Unclear that population are LACYP
HOPKINS Graham (2003) It all clicks into place. Community Care 61103: 42–43 - Not a peer-reviewed publication
HOPKINS Graham (2003) Small steps, giant leaps. Community Care 131103: 42–43 - Not a peer-reviewed publication
Horwitz, S M; Owens, P; Simms, M D (2000) Specialized assessments for children in foster care.. Pediatrics 106(1pt1): 59–66 [PubMed: 10878150]

-To be considered for inclusion under a different review question:

- RQ3.1

ICF Consulting Services; Arad Research; Cardiff University (2019) Evaluation of the implementation of the Pupil Development Grant for Looked after Children: final report (Welsh Government social research no 1/2019).: 154

- Not an intervention of interest

(Descriptive study of grant and its spending on various interventions)

ISRCTN19090228 (2017) Confidence in Care Evaluation. Http://www​​.aspx?Trialid​=isrctn19090228 - RCT protocol
JAY Matthew, A. and McGRATH-LONE, Louise (2019) Educational outcomes of children in contact with social care in England: a systematic review. Systematic reviews 8(155) - Systematic review
Johnson, Sara B; Pryce, Julia M; Martinovich, Zoran (2011) The role of therapeutic mentoring in enhancing outcomes for youth in foster care.. Child welfare 90(5): 51–69 [PubMed: 22533054] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Kim, Hyoun K and Leve, Leslie D (2011) Substance use and delinquency among middle school girls in foster care: a three-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79(6): 740–50 [PubMed: 22004305] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
LARZELERE Robert E. and et al (2001) Outcomes of residential treatment: a study of the adolescent clients of girls and boys town. Child and Youth Care Forum 30(3): 175–185 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Larzelere, Robert E, Daly, Daniel L, Davis, Jerry L et al. (2004) Outcome Evaluation of Girls and Boys Town’s Family Home Program.. Education and Treatment of Children 27(2): 130–149 - Data not reported in an extractable format
Lee, Kyunghee (2016) Head Start’s impact on cognitive outcomes for children in foster care.. Child Abuse Review 25(2): 128–141 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
LEWIS Helen (2000) Improving health care and health education: for looked after young people. Childrens Residential Care Unit Newsletter 13: 5–6 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Liabo, Kristin; Gray, Kerry; Mulcahy, David (2013) A systematic review of interventions to support looked-after children in school, IN Child and Family Social Work, Vol 18 No 3 Aug 2013. -Systematic review, considered for relevant references
Lin, Ching-Hsuan (2014) Evaluating services for kinship care families: A systematic review.. Children and Youth Services Review 36: 32–41 -Systematic review, considered for relevant references
Littlewood, Kerry A, Strozier, Anne L, Whittington, Danielle et al. (2014) Kin as Teachers: An early childhood education and support intervention for kinship families.. Children and Youth Services Review 38: 1–9

- No outcome of interest reported

[Surrogate outcomes: e.g. parents knowledge of development and home environment]

MANNISTO Inka I. and PIRTTIMAA Raija A. (2018) A review of interventions to support the educational attainments of children and adolescents in foster care. Adoption and Fostering 42(3): 266–281 -Systematic review, considered for relevant references
McMillen J.C., Narendorf S.C., Robinson D. et al. (2015) Development and piloting of a treatment foster care program for older youth with psychiatric problems. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 9(1): 23 [PubMed: 26185524] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Melius, Patience, Swoszowski, Nicole Cain, Siders, Jim et al. (2015) Developing peer led check-in/check-out: A peer-mentoring program for children in residential care.. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 32(1): 58–79 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Moffat, Shaye and Vincent, Cynthia (2009) Emergent literacy and childhood literacy-promoting activities for children in the Ontario Child Welfare System.. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 4(2): 135–141 - No outcome of interest reported
NCT00056303 (2003) Mental Health Services for Foster and Adopted Children. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct00056303 - RCT protocol
NCT00239837 (2005) Prevention Program for Problem Behaviors in Girls in Foster Care. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct00239837 - RCT protocol
NCT00701194 (2008) Early Intervention Foster Care: a Prevention Trial. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct00701194 - RCT protocol
NCT00810056 (2008) Fostering Healthy Futures Efficacy Trial for Preadolescent Youth in Foster Care. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct00810056 - RCT protocol
NCT02037750 (2014) Foster Teens’ Risk During Transition. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct02037750 - RCT protocol
NCT02113085 (2012) My Life: evaluation of Self-determination Enhancement for Adolescents in Foster Care. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct02113085 - RCT protocol
NCT02217072 (2014) Educational Support Interventions for Children in Care. Https:​//clinicaltrials​.gov/show/nct02217072 - RCT protocol
NCT04027257 (2019) Sit Together and Read (STAR): a Pilot Study of Children and Their Kinship Caregivers. - RCT trial registry
NELSON Justine G.; GIBSON Priscilla A.; BAUER Jean W. (2010) Kinship care and “child-only” welfare grants: low participation despite potential benefits. Journal of Family Social Work 13(1): 3–24 - Not an investigation of an intervention
Nilsen, Wendy (2007) Fostering futures: a preventive intervention program for school-age children in foster care.. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 12(1): 45–63 [PubMed: 17378079] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Noam G.G. and Hermann C.A. (2002) Where education and mental health meet: Developmental prevention and early intervention in schools. Development and Psychopathology 14(4): 861–875 [PubMed: 12549707] - Intervention description/practice report
O’Higgins, Aoife; Ott, Eleanor Marie; Shea, Michael William (2018) What is the Impact of Placement Type on Educational and Health Outcomes of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors? A Systematic Review of the Evidence.. Clinical child and family psychology review 21(3): 354–365 [PubMed: 29623526] -Systematic review, considered for relevant references
Osei, Gershon K, Gorey, Kevin M, Hernandez Jozefowicz, Debra M et al. (2016) Delinquency and crime prevention: Overview of research comparing treatment foster care and group care.. Child & Youth Care Forum 45(1): 33–46 -Systematic review, considered for relevant references
Pandya, Samta P (2018) Spirituality for wellbeing of bereaved children in residential care: Insights for spiritually sensitive child-centred social work across country contexts.. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 35(2): 181–195

- Non-OECD country

[Some participants from US and Canada but majority from non-OECD and results not stratified]

Panerai, Simonetta, Zingale, Marinella, Trubia, Grazia et al. (2009) Special education versus inclusive education: the role of the TEACCH program.. Journal of autism and developmental disorders 39(6): 874–82 [PubMed: 19205860]

- Unclear that population are LACYP

- Unclear that population are LACYP

Parker, Elisabeth (2017) An actor-network theory reading of change for children in public care.. British Educational Research Journal 43(1): 151–167 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Petit Zeman S (2000) Healing the scars of war. TIMES EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT: 26–27

- Not a relevant study design

[magazine article]

Pratt, Megan E, Lipscomb, Shannon T, Schmitt, Sara A et al. (2015) The effect of head start on parenting outcomes for children living in non-parental care.. Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(10): 2944–2956 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Preyde, M., Frensch, K., Cameron, G. et al. (2011) Long-Term Outcomes of Children and Youth Accessing Residential or Intensive Home-Based Treatment: Three Year Follow up. Journal of Child and Family Studies 20(5): 660–668

- Unclear that population are LACYP

[No subgroup analysis for LACYP]

Preyde, Michele, Adams, Gerald, Cameron, Gary et al. (2009) Outcomes of Children Participating in Mental Health Residential and Intensive Family Services: Preliminary Findings. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 26(1): 1–20

- Unclear that population are LACYP

[No subgroup analysis for children in care]

Riitano D. and Pearson A. (2014) The effectiveness of interventions designed to improve academic outcomes in children and adolescents in out-of-home care: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 12(1): 13–22 - Not a relevant study design
Ringle, Jay L, Thompson, Ronald W, Way, Mona et al. (2015) Reunifying families after an out-of-home residential stay: Evaluation of a blended intervention.. Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(7): 2079–2087 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Roberts, Jennifer, Winter, Karen, Connolly, Paul et al. (2017) The Letterbox Club book gifting intervention: Findings from a qualitative evaluation accompanying a randomised controlled trial.. Children and Youth Services Review 73: 467–473 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Rogers, Anita and Henkin, Nancy (2000) School-based interventions for children in kinship care.. Grandparents raising grandchildren: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical perspectives.: 221–238

- Data not reported in an extractable format

[No evaluation data provided]

Sanders, Michael and et al (2020) What works in education for children who have had social workers? Summary report.: 56 exclude due to mixed population – “children who have had a social worker”
Shoham, Edna and Shiloah, Neomi (2001) The project for the education of Israeli children in the kibbutz movement.. Child & Youth Services 22(12): 37–53 - no methods described
Sloan, Frank A, Gifford, Elizabeth J, Eldred, Lindsey M et al. (2013) Do specialty courts achieve better outcomes for children in foster care than general courts?.. Evaluation review 37(1): 3–34 [PubMed: 23737613] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Soenen, Bram, Goethals, Ilse, Spriet, Eline et al. (2009) Effects of the combination of life space crisis interventions and a level system at the therapeutic treatment centre ‘Heynsdaele’-A special school and home for youth with behavioural and emotional problems.. Therapeutic Communities 30(2): 200–216 - Unclear that population are LACYP
Soenen, Bram, Volckaert, Annelies, D’Oosterlinck, Franky et al. (2014) The implementation of life space crisis intervention in residential care and special education for children and adolescents with EBD: an effect study.. The Psychiatric quarterly 85(3): 267–84 [PubMed: 24570221]

- Unclear that these were looked after children (focus on emotional and behavioural disorders)

- Non-UK, interrupted time series study.

-No outcomes of interest to this review question

STATHART Chloe (2011) Read all about it. Community Care 130111: 20–21

- Not a relevant study design

[editorial (not a research paper)]

Strozier, Anne L, Elrod, Brent, Beiler, Pam et al. (2004) Developing a network of support for relative caregivers.. Children and Youth Services Review 26(7): 641–656 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Taussig, Heather N and Culhane, Sara E (2010) Impact of a mentoring and skills group program on mental health outcomes for maltreated children in foster care.. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 164(8): 739–46 [PubMed: 20679165] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Taussig, Heather N, Culhane, Sara E, Garrido, Edward et al. (2013) Does severity of physical neglect moderate the impact of an efficacious preventive intervention for maltreated children in foster care?.. Child maltreatment 18(1): 56–64 [PubMed: 23076837]

- Data not reported in an extractable format

[Analysis to find a moderating effect of a subgroup not listed in the protocol on intervention effects. No raw data presented.]

Taussig, Heather N; Culhane, Sara E; Hettleman, Daniel (2007) Fostering healthy futures: an innovative preventive intervention for preadolescent youth in out-of-home care.. Child welfare 86(5): 113–31 [PubMed: 18422051]

- Not a relevant study design

[RCT protocol]

Taussig, Heather N, Culhane, Sara E, Raviv, Tali et al. (2010) Mentoring Children in Foster Care: Impact on Graduate Student Mentors.. Educational horizons 89(1): 17–32 [PubMed: 24839302]

- No outcome of interest reported

[Not foster children related outcomes]

Taussig, Heather, Weiler, Lindsey, Rhodes, Tara et al. (2015) Fostering healthy futures for teens: Adaptation of an evidence-based program.. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 6(4): 617–642 [PubMed: 27019678]

- No outcome of interest reported

[Acceptability outcomes]

- Survey extracted views (not true qualitative)

TIDEMAN Eva and et al (2011) Improving foster children’s school achievements - promising results from a Swedish intensive study. Adoption and Fostering 35(1): 44–56

Excluded under this review question as non-UK uncontrolled before-and-after study and comparative evidence was available

-No outcomes of interest to this review question

TORDON Rikard; VINNERLJUNG Bo; AXELSSON Ulla (2014) Improving foster children’s school performance: a replication of the Helsingborg study. Adoption and Fostering 38(1): 37–48 Excluded under this review question as non-UK uncontrolled before-and-after study and comparative evidence was available
Tordon, Rikard, Bladh, Marie, Sydsjo, Gunilla et al. (2020) Improved Intelligence, Literacy and Mathematic Skills Following School-Based Intervention for Children in Foster Care. Frontiers in psychology 11: 718 [PubMed: 32390912] - non-UK qualitative before and after study
Trout, Alexandra L, Lambert, Matthew C, Epstein, Michael H et al. (2013) Comparison of On the Way Home aftercare supports to traditional care following discharge from a residential setting: a pilot randomized controlled trial.. Child welfare 92(3): 27–45 [PubMed: 24818429] -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Tyler, Patrick M, Thompson, Ronald W, Trout, Alexandra L et al. (2017) Important elements of aftercare services for youth departing group homes.. Journal of Child and Family Studies 26(6): 1603–1613 - Survey extracted views (not true qualitative study)
Tyre, Ashli D (2012) Educational supports for middle school youths involved in the foster care system.. Children & Schools 34(4): 231–238

- Non-UK setting

-Unclear that all students were looked after at the time of intervention

- Excluded under this review question as non-UK uncontrolled before-and-after study and better-quality evidence was available

Tyrer, Rebecca A and Fazel, Mina (2014) School and community-based interventions for refugee and asylum seeking children: a systematic review.. PloS one 9(2): e89359 [PubMed: 24586715] -Systematic review, checked for relevant citations
Van Dam L., Smit D., Wildschut B. et al. (2018) Does Natural Mentoring Matter? A Multilevel Meta-analysis on the Association Between Natural Mentoring and Youth Outcomes. American journal of community psychology 62(12): 203–220 [PubMed: 29691865] - Not an intervention of interest
VINNERLJUNG Bo and et al (2014) Paired Reading for foster children: results from a Swedish replication of an English literacy intervention. Adoption and Fostering 38(4): 361–373

- Not a relevant study design

[Excluded under review question 4.2 since this was a non-UK-based uncontrolled before-and-after study, and comparative evidence was available]

WASHINGTON Gregory and et al (2007) African-American boys in relative care and a culturally centered group mentoring approach. Social Work with Groups 30(1): 45–69 - No outcome of interest reported
WEINBERG Lois A.; OSHIRO Michael; SHEA Nancy M. (2014) Education liaisons work to improve educational outcomes of foster youth: A mixed methods case study. Children and Youth Services Review 41: 45–52

- Study does not contain a relevant intervention

[Excluded under review question 4.2 and 4.4 since educational liaisons are not an intervention of interest - and are statutory in the UK]

- Non-UK setting, uncontrolled study

Weis, Robert; Wilson, Nicole L; Whitemarsh, Savannah M (2005) Evaluation of a voluntary, military-style residential treatment program for adolescents with academic and conduct problems.. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53 34(4): 692–705 looked after children appear to be a subset of this study with no subgroup analysis for this group
WEYTS Arabella (2004) The educational achievements of looked after children: do welfare systems make a difference to outcomes?. Adoption and Fostering 28(3): 7–19

- Not an intervention of interest

[impact of welfare systems and comparison of foster and residential care]

Williams, Sarah C, Fanolis, Verba, Schamess, Gerald et al. (2001) Adapting the Pynoos school based group therapy model for use with foster children: Theoretical and process considerations.. Journal of Child & Adolescent Group Therapy 11(23): 57–76 -No outcomes of interest to this review question
Zetlin, Andrea G; Weinberg, Lois A; Kimm, Christina (2005) Helping social workers address the educational needs of foster children.. Child abuse & neglect 29(7): 811–23 [PubMed: 16051354]

- Not an intervention of interest

[Training for social workers and access to an educational liaison - education liaisons are statutory in the UK (e.g. designated teachers and virtual school heads)]

- Non-UK setting

- Not LACYP specific outcomes

Zetlin, Andrea, Weinberg, Lois, Kimm, Christina et al. (2004) Improving Education Outcomes for Children in Foster Care: Intervention by an Education Liaison.. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 9(4): 421–429

- Study does not contain a relevant intervention

[Advocacy by education liaison from the school system: already a statutory requirement]

- Non-UK setting

From: Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people

Cover of Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people
Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people: Looked-After Children and Young People: Evidence review I.
NICE Guideline, No. 205.
Copyright © NICE 2021.

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