Table 14Summary GRADE table (Animal-assisted psychotherapy vs residential care as usual)

OutcomeSample sizeEffect size (95% CI)QualityInterpretation of effecta
Mean change in self-rated school maladjustment (pre- vs post-intervention): measured as part of the Spanish version of the Behavior Assessment System for Children.67MD −0.63 (−5.48 to 4.22)Very lowCould not differentiate
Mean change in teacher-rated school maladjustment (pre- vs post-intervention): measured as part of the Spanish version of the Behavior Assessment System for Children.167MD −3.19 (−6.93 to 0.55)Very lowCould not differentiate
Mean change in teacher-rated behavioural symptoms (pre- vs post-intervention): measured as part of the Spanish version of the Behavior Assessment System for Children.167MD −1.39 (−5.92 to 3.14)Very lowCould not differentiate
Mean change in teacher-rated adaptive skills (pre- vs post-intervention): measured as part of the adaptive skills67MD 5.88 (1.61 to 10.15)Very lowEffect favours intervention group but may be less than the MID

No meaningful difference: crosses line of no effect but not line of MID; Could not differentiate: crosses line of no effect and line of MID; May favour: confidence intervals do not cross line of no effect but cross MID; Favours: confidence intervals do not cross line of no effect or MID

From: Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people

Cover of Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people
Interventions to support learning needs for school-aged looked-after children and young people: Looked-After Children and Young People: Evidence review I.
NICE Guideline, No. 205.
Copyright © NICE 2021.

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