Table 7Studies excluded from the clinical review

StudyExclusion reason
Bykerk 20132Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
Cardiel 20133Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
Edmonds 20076Inappropriate comparison. conference abstract
Hodkinson 20157Incorrect interventions. Inappropriate comparison
Jurgens 20128Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
Pincus 201311Systematic review: literature search not sufficiently rigorous
Pope 201312Inappropriate comparison
Radner 201413Incorrect study design
Schoels 201014Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
Smolen 201615Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
Stoffer 201616Systematic review: methods are not adequate/unclear
van Tuyl 200817Inappropriate comparison
Wells 200618Incorrect study design. Inappropriate comparison

From: Target for monitoring

Cover of Target for monitoring
Target for monitoring: Rheumatoid arthritis in adults: diagnosis and management: Evidence review D.
NICE Guideline, No. 100.
National Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2018.

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