PDQ Cancer Information Summaries [Internet].
Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US); 2002-.
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Biopsy-proven disease (kidney or GI) OR | |
Clinical criteria: Must meet ≥4 of the following 7 criteria within 14 days at 2 consecutive time points | |
Anemiab | Defined as one of the following: |
1. Failure to achieve transfusion independence for pRBCs despite evidence of neutrophil engraftment | |
2. Hemoglobin decline from patient’s baseline by 1 g/dL | |
3. New onset of transfusion dependence | |
Rule out other causes of anemia, such as AIHA and PRCA | |
Thrombocytopeniab | Defined as one of the following: |
1. Failure to achieve platelet engraftment | |
2. Higher than expected platelet transfusion needs | |
3. Refractoriness to platelet transfusion | |
4. 50% reduction or greater in baseline platelet count after full platelet engraftment | |
Elevated LDH | >ULN for age |
Schistocytes | Present |
Hypertension | >99th percentile for age (<18 y), or systolic BP ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic BP ≥90 mm Hg (≥18 y) |
Elevated sC5b-9 | ≥ULN |
Proteinuria | ≥1 mg/mg rUPCR |
AIHA = autoimmune hemolytic anemia; BP = blood pressure; GI = gastrointestinal; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; pRBCs = packed red blood cells; PRCA = pure red cell aplasia; rUPCR = random urine protein to creatinine ratio; ULN = upper limit of normal.
aReprinted with permission from Schoettler et al., which is available under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license.[43]
bIndicates clarification from published Jodele et al. criteria.[45]
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.