Table 13Studies excluded from the clinical review

StudyExclusion reason
Adler 20081Inappropriate comparison – study compares different types of surgery
Agus 19932An opinion piece
Alhava 19883Non-comparative before and after study
Almqvist 20025No relevant outcomes
Almqvist 20044Inappropriate comparison. Incorrect interventions. Comparison of different timings of surgery.
Alvarez-Allende 20146Conference abstract
Anonymous 20009Not a primary study – article
Anonymous 20008Not a primary study – article
Barkun 200610Commentary of an included RCT
Blanchard 201412Non-comparative before and after study
Bollerslev 200914No relevant outcomes
Bonzelaar 201615Conference abstract
Britton 197116Non-comparative study
Brothers 198717Non-comparative study
Broulik 201118Non-comparative before and after study
Bruining 198119Non-comparative study
Burney 199620Non-comparative study
Burney 199821Non-comparative study
Calo 201622Inappropriate comparison
Carneiro-pla 200723Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Chen 199824Non-comparative study
Cheng 201525Systematic review. Screened for relevant references.
Chigot 199526Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Cowie 198228Incorrect study design – case series
D’Andrea 199629Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Diaz-Guerra 201531Conference abstract
Dy 201232Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Edwards 200633Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Espiritu 201135No relevant outcomes reported
Falkheden 198036Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Fang 200837NRS – no multivariate analysis or adjustment for confounders
Farnebo 198438Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Freaney 197839Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Ghose 198140Non-comparative before and after study
Hagstrom 200641Non-comparative before and after study
Hedback 199043Non-comparative retrospective study
Hedback 199142Non-comparative retrospective study
Horiuchi 200244Inappropriate intervention – 2-week administration only of oral etidronate. This bisphosphonate is no longer used.
Jansson 200645Conference abstract
Khosla 199946NRS – only reports the effect of surgery on fracture risk from a univariate model and not the adjusted HR for this factor from the MV model.
Lafferty 198947Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Larsson 199348NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Leong 201049Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
McDow, 201852Review. Screened for relevant references.
Melton 199253NRS – surgery effect on fracture risk only reported from a univariate model (risk adjusted for confounders not reported).
Mole 199254NRS with no adjustment for confounders. Study also provides an analysis of 8 people who underwent surgery compared with 8 age-matched conservatively managed people (but other key confounders not matched).
Morris 201055No relevant outcomes reported – for some outcomes results are only reported for the intervention group. Paper includes a statement that there was no morbidity or mortality but it is unclear if this refers to both the intervention and control group or just the control group.
Nomura 200457NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Nordenstrom 200458Non-comparative before and after study
Oucharek 201159Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Paloyan 198360Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Perrier 200961No relevant outcomes
Persson 201162Follow-up study of an included RCT but with no relevant outcomes
Posen 198563NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Rao 200365NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Richmond 200766Non-comparative study
Rolighed 201267Conference abstract
Rubin 200868NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Sankaran 201069A literature review not specified as systematic review and without quality assessment of the studies included
Sanzenbacher 197070Inappropriate study design
Saponaro 201371Incorrect interventions
Schneider 201472Inappropriate comparison. Incorrect interventions.
Scott Jr 198173Inappropriate study design
Sejean 200574Incorrect study design – decision analysis
Silverberg 199575Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Silverberg 199976NRS – study performed a multivariate analysis but factors included are unclear and no adjusted risk given for the effect of surgery on the outcome
Singh Ospina 201677Systematic review screened for references
Singh Ospina 201678Systematic review screened for relevant references
Siperstein 199279Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Solorzano 200880Non-comparative retrospective case series
Soreide 199781Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Strewler 199582Literature review with commentary and opinion
Tay 201684NRS with multivariate analysis but no relevant outcomes
Tisell 198385Inappropriate comparison. Inappropriate study design.
Trombetti 201686NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Vera 201489NRS with no adjustment for confounders
Vestergaard 200391Overlap in recruitment of participants with an already included study (Vestergaard 2003) – larger study included in this review
Wagner 200792Review
Wermers 199893NRS with mulitvariate analysis but the effect of surgery on risk of death is not reported from the univariate or multivariate analysis
Witteveen 201094Non-comparative study (all patients underwent surgery)
Wu 201095Inappropriate comparison
Yeh 201696NRS – adjusted relative risk for the effect of surgery on fracture risk not reported
Yu 201097Inappropriate comparison
Zhao 201498Conference abstract

From: Evidence review for indications for surgery

Cover of Evidence review for indications for surgery
Evidence review for indications for surgery: Hyperparathyroidism (primary): diagnosis, assessment and initial management: Evidence review C.
NICE Guideline, No. 132.
National Guideline Centre (UK).
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