Table 3.29Main resource requirements for breast massage


Midwife/nurse, or specialist massage therapist (who is permitted to perform breast massage)


Training in postnatal breast massage (for midwives or nurses) or else certification in massage therapy with licence to offer breast massage


Varies by specific technique but includes:

information (written and/or pictorial, e.g. leaflets) (where self-administered)

warmed towels and natural massage lubricant

chair, bed or massage table

Equipment and infrastructure

Heating facilities (according to region)

Calm, safe room conducive to privacy (curtain, door, wall)

Chair, bed or massage table


Varies by technique (e.g. the Oketani method is for 30 minutes once per day for two consecutive days) (68)

Supervision and monitoring

Same as for usual care

From: 3, Evidence and recommendations

Cover of WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience
WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience [Internet].
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