Table 24blood loss ratio and 95% CrI for mean blood loss for all interventions compared with placebo, vaginal birth subgroup

InterventionNMA blood loss ratio (95% CrI)Number of studies providing direct evidence
Carbetocin0.6817 (0.5584, 0.8251)-
Carboprost0.7038 (0.5772, 0.847)2
Misoprostol plus oxytocin0.7817 (0.6185, 0.9731)-
Misoprostol >600 mcg and ≤ 800 mcg0.7976 (0.6443, 0.9777)1
Ergometrine plus oxytocin0.7977 (0.6755, 0.9358)2
Oxytocin >5 IU and ≤ 10 IU0.8189 (0.7078, 0.9424)2
Oxytocin >1 IU and ≤ 5 IU0.8328 (0.693, 0.9924)4
Misoprostol >800 mcg and ≤ 1000 mcg0.8366 (0.5815, 1.163)-
Misoprostol ≤ 600 mcg0.8368 (0.7295, 0.9565)7
Ergometrine0.8626 (0.7373, 1.004)2
Oxytocin ≤1 IU0.8714 (0.4275, 1.519)-
Oxytocin > 10 IU0.9367 (0.7093, 1.209)-

Results from the random effects NMA. Blood loss ratio <1 favours the intervention (lower amount of blood lost in the intervention arm) with lower numbers indicating greater benefit, blood loss ratio>1 favours placebo. Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CrI, credible interval.

From: Evidence reviews for uterotonics for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage

Cover of Evidence reviews for uterotonics for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage
Evidence reviews for uterotonics for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage: Intrapartum care: Evidence review M.
NICE Guideline, No. 235.
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