Table 1Primary reasons for transfer to an obstetric unit by number of women transferred (% of total transferred from each setting)

Main reason for transfer to an obstetric unit for each woman (there may be more than 1 reason)From home (n=3,529)From a freestanding midwifery unit (n=2,457)From an alongside midwifery unit (n=4,401)
Delay during first or second stage of labour1,144 (32.4%)912 (37.1%)1,548 (35.2%)
Abnormal fetal heart rate246 (7.0%)259 (10.5%)477 (10.8%)
Request for regional analgesia180 (5.1%)163 (6.6%)585 (13.3%)
Meconium staining432 (12.2%)301 (12.2%)538 (12.2%)
Retained placenta250 (7.0%)179 (7.3%)203 (4.6%)
Repair of perineal trauma386 (10.9%)184 (7.5%)369 (8.4%)
Postpartum neonatal concerns180 (5.1%)63 (2.6%)5 (0.11%)
Other711 (20.1%)396 (16.2%)676 (16.3%)

From: Intrapartum care

Cover of Intrapartum care
Intrapartum care.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 235.
Copyright © NICE 2023.

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