Table 2The genome-wide screens performed in the common forms of PD

StudyDatasetSample SizeMarker DensitySoftware Packages
OBJECT: Determinants of PD risk
De Stefano et al (Neurology 2001)sib-pairs (GenePD study)113 ASP (102 families)11 cM (339 markers)GENEHUNTER
Scott et al (JAMA 2001)families with ≥2 aff. relatives260 ARP (174 families)10 cM (344 markers)VITESSE/HOMOG (par.) GENEHUNTER-PLUS
Pankratz et al (Am J Hum Genet 2002)sib-pairs (Parkinson Study Group)170 ASP (160 families)8.6 cM (400 markers)MAPMAKER-SIBS
Hicks et al (Ann Neurology 2002)isolated population (Iceland)117 patients (51 families)<5 cM (781 markers)ALLEGRO
OBJECT: Determinants of PD onset age (AAO)
Li et al (Am J Hum Genet 2002)families with ≥2 aff. relativessee Scott et al 2001see Scott et al 2001SOLAR
De Stefano et al (Am J Hum Genet 2002)sib-pairs (Gene PD study)see De Stefano et al, 2001see De Stefano et al 2001GENEHUNTER

From: Chromosome 1 and Other Hotspots for Parkinson's Disease Genes

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