Table 1. Definitions of Primary Tumor, Regional Lymph Node, Distant Metastasis, Histological Grade for Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma, and Location for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagusa

T Category/CriteriaN Category/CriteriaM Category/CriteriaG DefinitionL Category/Criteriab
TX = Tumor cannot be assessed.NX = Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed.M0 = No distant metastasis.GX = Grade cannot be assessed.X = Location unknown.
T0 = No evidence of primary tumor.N0 = No regional lymph node metastasis.M1 = Distant metastasis.G1 = Well differentiated.Upper = Cervical esophagus to lower border of azygos vein.
Tis = High-grade dysplasia, defined as malignant cells confined to the epithelium by the basement membrane.N1 = Metastasis in one or two regional lymph nodes.G2 = Moderately differentiated.Middle = Lower border of azygos vein to lower border of inferior pulmonary vein.
G3 = Poorly differentiated, undifferentiated.Lower = Lower border of inferior pulmonary vein to stomach, including gastroesophageal junction.
T1 = Tumor invades the lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa.N2 = Metastasis in three to six regional lymph nodes.
N3 = Metastasis in seven or more regional lymph nodes.
T1a = Tumor invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosae.
T1b = Tumor invades the submucosa.
T2 = Tumor invades the muscularis propria.
T3 = Tumor invades adventitia.
T4 = Tumor invades adjacent structures.
T4a = Tumor invades the pleura, pericardium, azygos vein, diaphragm, or peritoneum.
T4b = Tumor invades other adjacent structures, such as the aorta, vertebral body, or airway.

T = primary tumor; N = regional lymph nodes; M = distant metastasis; G = grade; L = location.

aReprinted with permission from AJCC: Esophageal and esophagogastric junction. In: Amin MB, Edge SB, Greene FL, et al., eds.: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2017, pp. 185–202.

bLocation is defined by the position of the epicenter of the tumor in the esophagus.

From: Esophageal Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)

Cover of PDQ Cancer Information Summaries
PDQ Cancer Information Summaries [Internet].
Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US); 2002-.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.