Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd12364: RRM_RDM1 
RNA recognition motif (RRM) found in RAD52 motif-containing protein 1 (RDM1) and similar proteins
This subfamily corresponds to the RRM of RDM1, also termed RAD52 homolog B, a novel factor involved in the cellular response to the anti-cancer drug cisplatin in vertebrates. RDM1 contains a small RD motif that shares with the recombination and repair protein RAD52, and an RNA recognition motif (RRM), also termed RBD (RNA binding domain) or RNP (ribonucleoprotein domain). The RD motif is responsible for the acidic pH-dependent DNA-binding properties of RDM1. It interacts with ss- and dsDNA, and may act as a DNA-damage recognition factor by recognizing the distortions of the double helix caused by cisplatin-DNA adducts in vitro. In addition, due to the presence of RRM, RDM1 can bind to RNA as well as DNA.
PSSM-Id: 409799
Aligned: 9 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 107.452
Created: 18-Nov-2011
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q8NG50        15 KTLLVWELssg--ptaEALHHSLFtafsqFGLLYSVRVFpnaa------------vahPGFYAVIKFYSaRAAHRAQKAC 80  human
Q8JFQ4        15 QTLLVWGLept--vglEHSLFSVFs---kFGLLYSVRVHsnaa------------vagPGCYAIIKFYSaADASRAQHAC 77  chicken
NP_001007334  18 KTIFIWDIqpt--fteAYIYESLWsvysaFGDLYLLKVCpnat------------vaePGFYALVKFYSsAQASKAQRAT 83  zebrafish
XP_002934108  17 KIVFVWNIsaq--kpeEEIYCSLLkvfsqFGALYSLKLLpnag------------vcdPGYYAVIKYYCcRDASRAQEAC 82  western clawed ...
XP_002595976  27 KVLYVSRIsgs--laeEEVYFKLCkafeqYGLVNEIQVMkpsvqlqpaaegqqeerltGYFYAFVKFYLaRDAAKARAGL 104 Florida lancelet
XP_001630648  18 VNLYITGIskk--ldaEQAEIKLRgifsrFGLIYEVQVVdtlssenve-gpqflggntGGLYAFVKFYSaKAALRAKEEV 94  starlet sea ane...
XP_002114410  11 IRLRNSFIsvkacqltMERLESICs---aFGLICGIKCFenepsk--------degfaSAQYAFVQYYSkVAAIQAQKEL 79  Trichoplax adha...
XP_007905546  19 KTLFIWNIlpn--rseEAVYDLVFkafsaLGLLYLVRVFrnaa------------gcqPGFYAVVKFYSgSDATRARDAT 84  elephant shark
XP_006014516  18 KTLFVCNLspv--lreDQIHDCVYkafsfFGPLYSVRVCknat------------vaePGYYAVVKFYSaLDAKRAQSAT 83  coelacanth
Q8NG50        81 DrkqLFQKSPVKVRL 95  human
Q8JFQ4        78 NgqrLFQNSPLKVCV 92  chicken
NP_001007334  84 DkqcLFQSSPLKVRL 98  zebrafish
XP_002934108  83 DrktLFQDTPLKVRV 97  western clawed frog
XP_002595976 105 NgkyFIGGQTIMVQH 119 Florida lancelet
XP_001630648  95 NgkwLIDGNILKVQF 109 starlet sea anemone
XP_002114410  80 NgrwFIGFRAMKVNF 94  Trichoplax adhaerens
XP_007905546  85 HgrcLFQEVPLKVRI 99  elephant shark
XP_006014516  84 NekkLFQNSPLKVRL 98  coelacanth
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