Arf-related protein 1 (Arfrp1) Arfrp1 (Arf-related protein 1), formerly known as ARP, is a membrane-associated Arf family member that lacks the N-terminal myristoylation motif. Arfrp1 is mainly associated with the trans-Golgi compartment and the trans-Golgi network, where it regulates the targeting of Arl1 and the GRIP domain-containing proteins, golgin-97 and golgin-245, onto Golgi membranes. It is also involved in the anterograde transport of the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein from the Golgi to the plasma membrane, and in the retrograde transport of TGN38 and Shiga toxin from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. Arfrp1 also inhibits Arf/Sec7-dependent activation of phospholipase D. Deletion of Arfrp1 in mice causes embryonic lethality at the gastrulation stage and apoptosis of mesodermal cells, indicating its importance in development.