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Series GSE113224 Query DataSets for GSE113224
Status Public on Oct 15, 2018
Title Timing and order of the molecular events marking the onset of berry ripening in grapevine [BHLH OE]
Organism Vitis vinifera
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a model for the investigation of physiological and biochemical changes during the formation and ripening of non-climacteric fleshy fruits. However, the order and complexity of the molecular events during fruit development remain poorly understood. To identify the key molecular events controlling berry formation and ripening, we created a highly detailed transcriptomic and metabolomic map of berry development, based on samples collected every week from fruit-set to maturity in two grapevine genotypes for three consecutive years, resulting in 219 samples. Major transcriptomic changes were represented by coordinated waves of gene expression associated with early development, veraison (onset of ripening)/mid-ripening and late-ripening and were consistent across vintages. The two genotypes were clearly distinguished by metabolite profiles and transcriptional changes occurring primarily at the veraison/mid-ripening phase. Co-expression analysis identified a core network of transcripts as well as variations in the within-module connections representing varietal differences. By focusing on transcriptome rearrangements close to veraison, we identified two rapid and successive shared transitions involving genes whose expression profiles precisely locate the timing of the molecular reprogramming of berry development. Functional analyses of two transcription factors, markers of the first transition, suggested that they participate in a hierarchical cascade of gene activation at the onset of ripening. This study defined the initial transcriptional events that mark and trigger the onset of ripening and the molecular network that characterizes the whole process of berry development, providing a framework to model fruit development and maturation in grapevine.
Overall design For transient transformation of Vitis vinifera cv. Sultana, the 35S:VvBHLH075 construct was transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1 by electroporation. As control, Agrobacterium was also transformed with an empty GoldenBraid 2.0 vector (pDGBΩ1). Seven in vitro six-week-old plants of grapevine cv. Sultana were immersed in each bacterial suspension and vacuum infiltrated (2 X 2 min at 90kPa). After agroinfiltration, plantlets were allowed to recover in vitro for seven days before collecting material for RNA extraction and transcriptomic analysis.
Contributor(s) Fasoli M, Richter CL, Zenoni S, Bertini E, Vitulo N, Dal Santo S, Dokoozlian N, Pezzotti M, Tornielli GB
Citation(s) 30224433
Submission date Apr 16, 2018
Last update date Dec 20, 2018
Contact name Silvia Dal Santo
Organization name University of Verona
Department Department of Biotechnology
Street address Strada Le Grazie, 15
City Verona
ZIP/Postal code 37134
Country Italy
Platforms (1)
GPL22427 Agilent-048771 4x44K Grape all [Probe Name version]
Samples (8)
GSM3100531 Control Sultana_1 [BHLH OE]
GSM3100532 Control Sultana_2 [BHLH OE]
GSM3100533 Control Sultana_3 [BHLH OE]
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE113225 Timing and order of the molecular events marking the onset of berry ripening in grapevine
BioProject PRJNA450446

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GSE113224_RAW.tar 15.4 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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