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Series GSE213813 Query DataSets for GSE213813
Status Public on Feb 15, 2023
Title Affymetrix SNP array data for induced pluripotent stem cell line
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Genome variation profiling by SNP array
Summary Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provide a virtually inexhaustible source of starting material for cell therapies, such as next generation mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (i.e., iPSC-MSCs), offering an increased clinical efficacy in a variety of diseases. In particular, iPSC-derived products are relevant for treating pathologies in pediatric patients, due to the limited amount of biological material that is easily accessible in infants, toddlers, or young children. Despite iPSCs can be generated from many tissue sources, a non-invasive sampling approach would foster and broaden the interest in pediatric research. Here, we report the generation of two iPSC lines using a small amount of urine from pediatric patients with brain tumors (BT-iPSC). Urinary epithelial cells were isolated and reprogrammed using non-integrative Sendai virus vectors encoding the Yamanaka factors KLF4, OCT3/4, SOX2 and CMYC. After reprogramming, BT-iPSC lines were subject to quality assessment and compared to iPSCs obtained from urine samples of non-tumor pediatric patients (nonT-iPSC). We demonstrated that a small volume of urine is a non-invasive and reliable source of somatic cells to generate iPSCs from pediatric patients. In addition, we showed that BT-iPSCs are comparable to nonT-iPSCs and efficiently differentiate into iPSC-MSCs. This is an attractive approach for producing patient-specific cell products, even from those with brain tumors.
Overall design Affymetrix SNP arrays were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions on DNA extracted from iPSC of urine-derived epithelial cells (UDCs).


Grant ID: CP19/00046
Title: Miguel Servet
Funding source: funding source:The Institute of Health Carlos III, cofounded by Fondos FEDER

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Funding source: The Institute of Health Carlos III, cofounded by Fondos FEDER

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Grant ID: IDEAS20051CAPI
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Funding source: The Asociación Española Contra el Cancer

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Funding source: The Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades of Junta de Andalucia, co-funded by Fondos FEDER

Grant ID: PY20/00480
Title: Evaluación de la modulación de la producción de sulfuro de hidrógeno intracelular en la homeostasis de la glucosa y el envejecimiento saludable
Funding source: The Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades of Junta de Andalucia, co-funded by Fondos FEDER

Grant ID: PID2021-123965OB-I00
Title: PID2021-123965OB-I00
Funding source: The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Grant ID: FPU19/04703
Funding source: The Spanish Ministry of Universities
Contributor(s) Capilla-Gonzalez V, Aguilera Y, Baliña-Sánchez C
Citation(s) 36776860
Submission date Sep 20, 2022
Last update date Mar 10, 2023
Contact name Yolanda Aguilera
Organization name Cabimer
Street address Avda Americo Vespucio, 24
City Sevilla
ZIP/Postal code 41092
Country Spain
Platforms (1)
GPL18637 [CytoScan750K_Array] Affymetrix CytoScan 750K Array
Samples (4)
GSM6594761 Induced pluripotent stem cell line of pediatric non-tumour patient 1
GSM6594762 Induced pluripotent stem cell line of pediatric non-tumour patient 2
GSM6594763 Induced pluripotent stem cell line of pediatric brain tumour patient 1
BioProject PRJNA882475

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE213813_RAW.tar 282.6 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL, CYCHP)
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