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Series GSE52058 Query DataSets for GSE52058
Status Public on Nov 04, 2013
Title Identification of sex-biased genes in Drosophila using gonad RNAseq data
Organisms Drosophila ananassae; Drosophila pseudoobscura; Drosophila yakuba
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Purpose: Accurate identification of sex-biased genes requires precise measurement of gene expression levels in gonads. This study is designed to provide such data for various Drosophila species to enhance studies of sex-biased gene expression and evolution across the genus.
Methods: Virgin flies were collected and aged 6-10 days before dissecting 2-3 replicates of testes or ovaries. Total RNA was extracted using the Arcturus® PicoPure® kit . Illumina® TruSeq® RNA library kits were used to poly-A+ select and reverse-transcribe mRNA, shear cDNA into ~120 bp fragments, and produce libraries for 1x50 bp sequencing on an Illumina GAIIx or HiSeq2000. Illumina®’s Real Time Analysis v1.13 module processed images, called bases, and provided base qualities. Reads were mapped to the current reference genomes using Bowtie v2.1.0 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012, Nat Meth) with default settings. Differentially expressed genes were detected using Cufflinks v 2.1.0 (Trapnell et al., 2010, Nat Biotech; default settings) or edgeR (Robinson et al., 2010, Bioinformatics; full-quantile GC-content normalization and full-quantile between-sample normalization). Genes were called differentially expressed at a Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate of 0.01.
Results: Thousands of male- and female-biased genes were detected for each species using both DE detection methods. These results provide a significant improvement in sensitivity of sex-biased gene detection relative to using whole-body RNA-sequencing data. These data provide a foundation for accurate identification of sex-biased genes throughout the Drosophila genus.
Overall design Testis and ovary samples from Drosophila species were sequenced 1 x 50 bp in duplicate from 6-10 day old virgin, Wolbachia-free adult flies on an Illumina GAIIx or HiSeq2000.
Contributor(s) Vibranovski MD, VanKuren NW
Citation(s) 25031657
Submission date Nov 04, 2013
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Maria D Vibranovski
Organization name Universidade de Sao Paolo
Department Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
Street address Rua do Matao, 277
City Sao Paulo
ZIP/Postal code 05508-090
Country Brazil
Platforms (4)
GPL13309 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Drosophila ananassae)
GPL13310 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Drosophila pseudoobscura)
GPL15872 Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx (Drosophila yakuba)
Samples (13)
GSM1258036 Dpse_testis_rep1
GSM1258037 Dpse_testis_rep2
GSM1258038 Dpse_ovary_rep1
BioProject PRJNA226598
SRA SRP032522

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE52058_Cuffdiff_Dana_TestisOvary.gene_exp.diff.gz 652.8 Kb (ftp)(http) DIFF
GSE52058_Cuffdiff_Dpse_TestisOvary.gene_exp.diff.gz 673.3 Kb (ftp)(http) DIFF
GSE52058_edgeR_Dana_TestisOvary.out.txt.gz 309.4 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE52058_edgeR_Dpse_TestisOvary.out.txt.gz 323.7 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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