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Series GSE72343 Query DataSets for GSE72343
Status Public on May 12, 2016
Title Circuit-wide transcriptional profiling reveals region specific gene co-expression networks regulating depression susceptibility
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Depression is a complex and heterogeneous disorder and a leading contributor to the global burden of of disease. Most previous research has focused on individual brain regions and individual genes that contribute to depression. However, emerging evidence in both humans and animal models suggests that dysregulated circuit function and gene expression across multiple brain regions drive depressive phenotypes. Here we use a bioinformatics approach intersecting differential expression analysis with weighted gene co-expression network analysis to identify transcriptional networks that regulate susceptibility to depressive-like symptoms in mice. We performed RNA-sequencing on multiple brain regions from control animals and those either susceptible or resilient to chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) at multiple time points after defeat. We bioinformatically identified several transcriptional networks that regulate depression susceptibility, and in vivo manipulations of these networks confirmed their functional significance at the levels of gene transcription, synaptic regulation, and behavior. Our findings reveal novel transcriptional networks that control stress susceptibility and offer fundamentally new leads for antidepressant drug discovery.
Overall design RNA-seq samples were generated from 4 brain regions (nucleus accumbens (NAC), prefrontal cortex (PFC), amygdala (AMY) and ventral hippocampus (VHIP) ) at 3 time-points (48h, 28d, 28d +1h stress) after chronic social defeat stress in control, susceptible and resilient mice. Additionally, RNA-seq samples were generated from virally infected VHIP tissue (HSV-GFP or HSV-Dkkl1) after an accelerated social defeat to assess the effect of Dkkl1 over-expression.
Contributor(s) Bagot R, Shen L
Citation(s) 27181059
Submission date Aug 25, 2015
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Immanuel Purushothaman
Organization name Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department Neuroscience
Street address 1425 Madison Avenue
City New York
State/province New York
ZIP/Postal code 10029
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL13112 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (140)
GSM1860519 VHIP_DKKL1_1
GSM1860520 VHIP_DKKL1_2
GSM1860521 VHIP_DKKL1_3
BioProject PRJNA293822
SRA SRP062829

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GSE72343_processed_data_files.tar.gz 2.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TAR
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