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Series GSE85095 Query DataSets for GSE85095
Status Public on Aug 02, 2017
Title Bacterial dispersal on fungal hyphae
Organism Serratia sp. BW106
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary The rate, timing, and mode of species dispersal is recognized as a key driver of the structure and function of communities of macroorganisms, and may be one ecological process that determines the diversity of microbiomes. Many previous studies have quantified the modes and mechanisms of bacterial motility using monocultures of a few model bacterial species. But most microbes live in multispecies microbial communities, where direct interactions between microbes may inhibit or facilitate dispersal through a number of physical (e.g., hydrodynamic) and biological (e.g., chemotaxis) mechanisms, which remain largely unexplored. Using cheese rinds as a model microbiome, we demonstrate that physical networks created by filamentous fungi can impact the extent of small-scale bacterial dispersal and can shape the composition of microbiomes. From the cheese rind of Saint Nectaire, we serendipitously observed the bacterium Serratia proteamaculans actively spreads on networks formed by the fungus Mucor. By experimentally recreating these pairwise interactions in the lab, we show that Serratia spreads on actively growing and previously established fungal networks. The extent of symbiotic dispersal is dependent on the fungal network: diffuse and fast-growing Mucor networks provide the greatest dispersal facilitation of the Serratia species, while dense and slow-growing Penicillium networks provide limited dispersal facilitation. Fungal-mediated dispersal occurs in closely related Serratia species isolated from other environments, suggesting that this bacterial-fungal interaction is widespread in nature. Both RNA-seq and transposon mutagenesis point to specific molecular mechanisms that play key roles in this bacterial-fungal interaction, including chitin utilization and flagellin biosynthesis. By manipulating the presence and type of fungal networks in multispecies communities, we provide the first evidence that fungal networks shape the composition of bacterial communities, with Mucor networks shifting experimental bacterial communities to complete dominance by motile Proteobacteria. Collectively, our work demonstrates that these strong biophysical interactions between bacterial and fungi can have community-level consequences and may be operating in many other microbiomes.
Overall design Serratia spp. was grown with or without Mucor spp. Present
Contributor(s) Wolfe B, Kastman E
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Submission date Aug 02, 2016
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Benjamin E Wolfe
Organization name Tufts University
Department Microbiology
Street address 200 Boston Ave
City Medford
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02155
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL22269 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Serratia sp. BW106)
Samples (6)
GSM2257660 Mneg1
GSM2257661 Mneg3
GSM2257662 Mneg4
BioProject PRJNA336162
SRA SRP080804

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GSE85095_RNAseqFungalNetworks_forGEO.xlsx 1.1 Mb (ftp)(http) XLSX
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