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Sample GSM1074480 Query DataSets for GSM1074480
Status Public on Jan 21, 2015
Title hiPSC 4603cl27-derived Neural Stem Cells at passage 7, biological rep2
Sample type RNA
Source name GM04603 (Coriell)
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics genotype: wild-type
gender: male
cell line: GM04603 (Coriell)
cell type: hiPS cells-derived Neural Stem Cells
passage: 7
Biomaterial provider GM04603 (Coriell)
Treatment protocol Not applicable
Growth protocol Human iPS cells were expanded on-to mitomycin-C inactivated Zenith Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast (MEF) layer feeders ( Cells were cultured using DMEM/F12 (1:1) Glutamax medium supplemented with 20% KnockOutTM SR, 1X MEM non-essential amino acids, 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (all from Invitrogen) and 10 FGF2 (PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ, USA). We differentiated neural stem cells from iPSCs using a multistage differentiation protocol. The procedure is schematically summarized. To induce Neuro EPithelial cells (NEP) formation, clumps were seeded on 0.0015% poly-L-ornithine (PO, Sigma Aldrich)/2 µ laminin (Invitrogen) coated culture dishes and cultured using DMEM/F12 (1:1) Glutamax medium containing Neurobasal medium (1:1) supplemented with 2% B27 supplement without vitamin A, 1% N2 supplement, 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (all from Invitrogen), 5 FGF2, 300 1 human Noggin (both from PeproTech) and 20 µM SB431542 (Tocris Bioscience, Bristol, United Kingdom) until appearance of NEP (8 days of differentiation). To obtain NSC, NEP were cultured using DMEM/F12 (1:1) Glutamax medium containing Neurobasal medium (1:1) supplemented with 2% B27 supplement without vitamin A, 1% N2 supplement, 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (all from Invitrogen) supplemented by 10 human EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), 20 human BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) (both from R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and 10 FGF2.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted with the RNeasy Mini kit, according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Samples were enzymatically fragmented and biotinylated using the WT Terminal Labeling Kit (Affymetrix)
Hybridization protocol Samples were hybridized using Affymetrix hybridization kit materials • Heat cocktails at 99° for 5 minutes, then 42° for 5 minutes centrifuge at max speed for 1 minute (N.B. this deviates from Affy SOP). • Transfer 200μl of hyb solution to each array, then tape holes and parafilm. • Hybridize 16 hours at 45° at 60rpm• Fluidics washing is FS450_0001
Scan protocol Affymetrix Gene ChIP Scanner 3000 7G
Description NSC_p07_4603cl27_p47
Data processing Data were processed using EASANA from GenoSplice technology. GC background correction were applied to probe intensities (core), gene level expression were summarized from the corrected intensities and then quantile normalized.
probe group file: HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.pgf
meta-probeset file: HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2.dt1.hg18.core.mps
Submission date Jan 30, 2013
Last update date Jan 21, 2015
Contact name Pierre de la Grange
Organization name GenoSplice technology
Department Paris Biotech Santé
Street address 29, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques
City Paris
ZIP/Postal code 75014
Country France
Platform ID GPL5175
Series (2)
GSE43924 Global gene expression analysis of human iPSC-derived Neural Stem Cells (NSC) from LCA patients and unaffected persons
GSE43946 Human induced pluripotent stem cells reveal early developmental molecular correlates with a probable Leber congenital amaurosis type I

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Quantile gene and normalized gene level expression values (log2) from EASANA (GenoSplice technology)

Data table
3948543 8.551595
3063807 9.169388
3096575 9.014113
2949118 7.186617
3227645 10.0688
4014076 5.84096
2637819 3.177928
3850234 9.565489
3719161 9.053687
2916345 7.437428
2342904 9.264558
3817464 9.143037
2408437 7.651132
3932148 8.774118
3375091 7.137833
3653619 9.254244
2818035 5.348272
3063795 9.412389
2359282 8.690957
2981874 9.457632

Total number of rows: 22011

Table truncated, full table size 363 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1074480_NSC_p07_4603cl27_p47.CEL.gz 24.8 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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