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Sample GSM12519 Query DataSets for GSM12519
Status Public on Nov 03, 2003
Title roots-8H UV-B-2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name roots from no UV-B treated plants
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name roots from UV-B exposed plants
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Microarray hybridization was used to assess UV-B responses in directly exposed and shielded maize tissues. In this experiment, roots were tested for UV-B transcriptome changes after 8 h exposure
Submission date Oct 29, 2003
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Paula Casati
Phone 54-341-4371955
Organization name Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Department Biological Sciences
Lab Casati
Street address Suipacha 531
City Rosario
State/province Santa Fe
ZIP/Postal code 2000
Country Argentina
Platform ID GPL498
Series (1)
GSE671 Rapid molecular responses of maize to UV-B: gene expression profiling in irradiated and shielded tissues

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log 2 of the intensities ratio
ratio (J-K)/(M-N) ratio of intensities
CH1I uncorrected mean pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH1B median background pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH1AB mean background pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH2I uncorrected mean pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
CH2B median background pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
CH2AB mean background pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
SPIX number of pixels in a spot
BGPIX uniform background in the two channels
MRAT median of (Ch2PI-CH2B)/(Ch1PI-CH1B)
REGR slope estimate by simple linear regression
CORR correlation between channel1 and channel 2 pixels within the spot
LFRAT slope estimate by least-squares fit
CH1GTB1 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than background (CH1B)
CH2GTB1 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than background (CH2B)
CH1GTB2 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than 1.5 times the background (CH1B)
CH2GTB2 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than 1.5 times the background (CH2B)
CH1EDGEA mean magnitude of the horizontal and vertical Sobel edge vectors contained within each spot (CH1)
CH2EDGEA mean magnitude of the horizontal and vertical Sobel edge vectors contained within each spot (CH2)
FLAG user defined spot flag
CH1KSD value of the Komogorov-Smirnov statistic that assesses the likelihood that the spot pixel intensity distribution is drawn from the background distribution
CH1KSP actual probability derived from CH1KSD
CH2KSD value of the Komogorov-Smirnov statistic that assesses the likelihood that the spot pixel intensity distribution is drawn from the background distribution
CH2KSP actual probability derived from CH2KSD

Data table
1 674 307 371 1220 724 920 156 949 0 0.7399 0.7143 0.1172 0.3582 0.129 0.9551 0.9423 0.7756 0.859 0.08233 0.1087 0 0.7124 0.00E+00 0.707 0.00E+00
2 600 315 391 1095 723 861 156 763 0 0.7661 0.7878 0.4958 0.7107 0.6083 0.8205 0.8654 0.6154 0.7372 0.08939 0.1358 0 0.4802 5.89E-27 0.5585 2.54E-36
3 672 307 378 1118 693 822 156 763 0 0.8588 0.9661 0.5068 0.6888 0.6452 0.8782 0.9103 0.6603 0.7756 0.09544 0.131 0 0.5973 1.79E-41 0.6446 0.00E+00
4 819 316 478 1411 713 937 156 763 0 0.7206 1.25 0.1134 0.3959 0.1217 0.8333 0.7628 0.5064 0.609 0.1435 0.1661 0 0.3911 4.97E-18 0.4124 5.39E-20
5 713 329 479 976 741 954 156 763 0 1.634 1.553 0.6222 0.6492 0.9366 0.7115 0.7244 0.3718 0.5385 0.07256 0.1609 0 0.2717 6.40E-09 0.3649 9.49E-16
6 776 308 379 1019 716 840 156 763 0 1.545 1.405 0.8152 0.7263 1.172 0.7436 0.7885 0.4872 0.6346 0.08739 0.1694 0 0.3445 4.39E-14 0.461 7.01E-25
7 865 306 371 1136 711 813 156 763 0 1.315 1.235 1.029 0.8511 1.25 0.8077 0.859 0.5 0.6795 0.106 0.1699 0 0.4194 1.14E-20 0.5214 1.05E-31
8 876 312 375 1168 735 835 156 763 0 1.303 1.245 0.9728 0.8311 1.208 0.7179 0.7564 0.5 0.5962 0.09178 0.1617 0 0.3726 2.12E-16 0.4667 1.73E-25
9 907 328 597 1211 772 995 156 763 0 1.319 1.266 1.197 0.851 1.488 0.75 0.7372 0.4936 0.5962 0.1075 0.1763 0 0.3693 4.06E-16 0.4382 1.60E-22
10 2672 341 884 1947 785 1173 156 763 0 2.006 2.003 1.601 0.8703 1.991 0.8269 0.8974 0.7051 0.7885 0.1376 0.2165 0 0.451 7.82E-24 0.5642 4.70E-37
11 2369 326 698 1754 751 1059 156 763 0 2.037 1.963 1.501 0.8566 1.904 0.7885 0.7949 0.6282 0.6923 0.1277 0.2071 0 0.4291 1.29E-21 0.5474 6.59E-35
12 -0.82280927 0.565340019 3503 312 531 2521 717 988 156 718 0 1.769 1.791 1.192 0.7666 1.758 1 1 0.9872 1 0.1218 0.1785 0 0.8847 0.00E+00 0.9198 0.00E+00
13 -0.50065869 0.706784012 27582 312 512 19994 720 982 156 689 0 1.415 1.451 1.333 0.9425 1.443 0.9808 0.9936 0.9615 0.9936 0.2748 0.2996 0 0.8858 0.00E+00 0.9404 0.00E+00
14 -0.542884374 0.686397225 26843 319 828 18942 736 1216 156 776 0 1.457 1.458 1.369 0.9474 1.473 0.9744 1 0.9423 0.9936 0.2926 0.3156 0 0.8536 0.00E+00 0.9101 0.00E+00
15 -0.493898381 0.710103695 27026 313 834 19712 743 1074 156 756 0 1.408 1.454 1.351 0.9464 1.455 0.9359 0.9231 0.9038 0.8718 0.2872 0.3138 0 0.85 0.00E+00 0.814 0.00E+00
16 -0.762439202 0.589498807 9110 311 514 5934 747 800 156 725 0 1.696 1.694 1.604 0.9409 1.757 0.9359 0.9615 0.8462 0.9295 0.2791 0.3565 0 0.8011 0.00E+00 0.8561 0.00E+00
17 -0.730400418 0.602736602 9082 312 420 6041 755 806 156 728 0 1.659 1.687 1.622 0.9423 1.774 0.9679 0.9744 0.8526 0.8846 0.272 0.3164 0 0.8095 0.00E+00 0.8132 0.00E+00
18 -0.649274378 0.637600923 8998 328 555 6302 774 1292 156 725 0 1.568 1.664 0.9203 0.6925 1.499 0.9423 0.9551 0.8397 0.891 0.2853 0.3415 0 0.7318 0.00E+00 0.7713 0.00E+00
19 0.258914546 1.196578085 3085 338 578 4061 774 1320 156 750 0 0.8357 1.533 0.1306 0.3938 0.1437 1 1 0.9936 0.9936 0.2209 0.1604 0 0.8709 0.00E+00 0.8664 0.00E+00
20 -0.42663712 0.743993994 3004 340 635 2768 786 998 156 722 0 1.344 1.53 0.4844 0.5798 0.7357 0.9936 1 0.9808 1 0.1328 0.151 0 0.8513 0.00E+00 0.8625 0.00E+00

Total number of rows: 16928

Table truncated, full table size 2758 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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