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Sample GSM16016 Query DataSets for GSM16016
Status Public on Feb 16, 2004
Title Untreated B cells 60min vs CD40 treated B cells 60min (set 3)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Total RNA from untreated B cells cultured for 60min was labeled with Cyanine-3 (green).
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Total RNA from B cells treated with CD40 for 60min was labeled with Cyanine-5 (red).
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Control total RNA was extracted from untreated B cells cultured for 60min.
Test total RNA was extracted from B cells treated with CD40 for 60min.
Submission date Feb 02, 2004
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Sangdun Choi
Phone 626-395-8732
Organization name California Institute of Technology
Department Biology
Lab Alliance for Cellular Signaling Molecular Biology Laboratory
Street address 1200 E. California Blvd
City Pasadena
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91125
Country USA
Platform ID GPL260
Series (2)
GSE1014 B cell response to CD40, Anti-IgM, ELC, IL4, terbutaline and lipopolysaccharide treatment
GSE1023 B cell response to CD40 and IL4 treatment

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Feature number which correspond to the order of genes on the array
G_PROCESSED Processed Signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computing the log ratio
G_MEAN Green Channel Mean Raw Intensity
G_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Raw Intensity
G_SD Green Channel Standard Deviation
G_BG_MEAN Green Channel Mean Background Level
G_BG_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Background Level
G_BG_SD Green Channel Background Standard Deviation
R_PROCESSED Processed Signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computing the log ratio
R_MEAN Red Channel Mean Raw Intensity
R_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Raw Intensity
R_SD Red Channel Standard Deviation
R_BG_MEAN Red Channel Mean Background Level
R_BG_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Background Level
R_BG_SD Red Channel Background Standard Deviation
RATIO Log Ratio (base 10)
VALUE Processed Ratio (base 2) after removing saturated spots, spot below 2.6XSD of background, and nonuniform spots.

Data table
1 46057.7 65517.2 65517 0.674822 1072.82 1069 76.0419 426.64 1860.46 1841.5 140.986 1345.75 1338 115.271 -2 0
2 93.928 1126.77 1120.5 58.1228 1029.87 1024 51.4177 66.7743 1262.62 1260 73.2448 1239.36 1237 82.4655 -0.148186 0
3 58.3727 1066.54 1063.5 53.9253 1020.16 1013.5 51.0562 106.622 1340.96 1338 99.7868 1246.72 1243 82.731 0.261636 0
4 46.4858 1002.04 993 40.2475 995.128 993 49.3249 46.7664 1111 1117 78.7176 1174.86 1171 79.5443 0 0
5 32.3953 957.958 965 36.2833 953.073 950 41.5625 51.6269 1131.25 1129.5 57.9672 1099.79 1102 60.9236 0.202393 0
6 241.817 1336.4 1316 193.228 985.959 978 52.5088 169.262 1268.52 1244 139.249 1114.74 1118 66.51 -0.154926 0
7 65.165 1002.12 1005 59.4524 948.057 944 43.2397 56.8512 1108.96 1101.5 55.2648 1073.39 1072 52.7601 -0.0592746 0
8 35.0901 929.923 938.5 34.808 923.759 920.5 39.8741 38.0667 999.769 1000 44.769 1014.87 1010.5 51.8107 0 0
9 4983.5 7783.11 7722 449.811 939.443 938.5 42.7754 6616.97 9643.93 9789 574.212 1034.03 1023 57.8422 0.123125 0.40901239668300643
10 2051.35 3812.78 2992 2295.33 917.785 917 37.4939 4141.92 6193.7 4042 4756.96 1004.97 1007 57.4054 0.305162 0
11 26.3622 890.087 890 33.1071 897.314 894 34.4785 34.73 943.609 950 31.4003 958.542 960 47.9246 0 0
12 27.9279 897.348 897 21.8229 899.623 896 35.1686 37.2346 967.435 970 60.5886 955.73 957 49.2694 0 0
13 23.1933 877.652 868 36.0827 889.637 890.5 30.9536 31.532 962.13 961 27.6262 958.952 953 42.6408 0 0
14 1747.95 3428.52 3464 461.189 890.449 889 29.2924 1197.05 2389.32 2346 282.201 960.007 957 44.3752 -0.164419 -0.54618809543328528
15 2129.45 3910 1972 3322.97 889.734 886 33.4822 3343.06 5114.65 2556 4648.05 952.104 946.5 49.2063 0.195877 0
16 2737.88 4788.88 4394 1789.4 884.633 880 35.6471 2352.41 3847.4 3756 1412.89 935.884 928 45.8645 -0.0659015 0
17 268.297 1272.54 1096.5 375.643 887.043 890 35.9363 417.863 1390 1202.5 461.835 950.124 947 50.0973 0.192419 0
18 318.235 1361.6 1365 55.4917 891.094 889.5 33.224 238.402 1180.96 1172 50.9571 948.181 944 42.6482 -0.125437 -0.41669269443838614
19 11723.8 16454.4 16026 2544.29 885.83 884 31.8605 14517 20576.6 20484.5 3223.57 933.189 935 42.7008 0.0928084 0.30830283140154419
20 4647.75 7358.4 7228 755.115 887.98 888 31.4607 4135.08 6235.16 6184 535.43 943.02 933 48.5213 -0.0507584 -0.16861575501153073

Total number of rows: 16273

Table truncated, full table size 2060 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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