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Sample GSM2452974 Query DataSets for GSM2452974
Status Public on Jan 12, 2017
Title Digester_co_90D2
Sample type genomic
Source name sludge microbes_co digester_day 90_OLR=1.5
Organism sludge metagenome
Characteristics organism: sludge microbes from anaerobic digesters
digester id: co digester 2
organic loading rate: OLR=1.5
time points: Day 90
digester set: co digestion with dairy manure and poultry wast, OLR=1.5
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA was extracted from sludge samples using previously described protocols (Ma et al., 2015). Briefly, the sludge sample was resuspended in 630 µL DNA-extraction buffer, followed by treatment with 60 µL of a lysozyme mixture (37 °C, 60 min), 60 µL of a protease mixture (37 °C, 30 min), and 80 µL 20% sodium dodecyl sulfate (37 °C, 90 min). Treated sample suspension was subsequently extracted with the phenol–chloroform–isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) at 65 °C for 20 min, and supernatant was extracted using the chloroform–isoamyl alcohol (24:1). DNA extract was then mixed with 0.6 volume of isopropanol and stored at 4 °C overnight. In addition, DNA was obtained by centrifuging the pellet, washing with 70% cold ethanol, drying and resuspension in nuclease-free water. DNA quality was evaluated with a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA). Final DNA concentrations were quantified by PicoGreen, using a FLUO star Optima instrument (BMG Labtech, Jena, Germany). Purified DNA was stored at -80 °C.
Label Cy3
Label protocol As previously described (Yang et al 2013), DNA samples were labeled with the fluorescent dye Cy-3 using a random priming method and purified using the QIA quick purification kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA).
Hybridization protocol The DNA was dried in a SpeedVac (ThermoSavant, Milford, MA, USA) at 45°C for 45 minutes. Then re-suspended in hybridization solution. GeoChip hybridization was carried out at 67 °C in an Agilent hybridization oven for 24 hrs.
Scan protocol After slides washed, GeoChip microarrays were scanned by a NimbleGen MS200 scanner (Roche, Madison, WI, USA) at 633 nm using a laser power and photomultiplier tube (PMT) gain of 100% and 75%, respectively.
Description co digestion with dairy manure and poultry wast, OLR=1.5
Data processing Signal intensities were quantified and processed using the data analysis pipeline as previously described (He et al 2010). Then processed GeoChip data were analyzed using the following steps: (i) remove the poor quality spots, which were flagged as 1 or 3 by ImaGene or with a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of less than 2.0; (ii) normalize the signal intensity of each spot by dividing the signal intensity by the total intensity of the microarray followed by multiplying by a constant; (iii) transform the data to the natural logarithmic form; and (iv) remove genes detected in only 9 out of 21 samples.
Submission date Jan 11, 2017
Last update date Jan 12, 2017
Contact name LINWEI WU
State/province -
ZIP/Postal code 100084
Country China
Platform ID GPL22908
Series (1)
GSE93419 The microbial functional gene diversity in anaerobic digesters under different organic loadings

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized signal intensity

Data table
296242846 8.842775232
159041230 9.405660534
126459244 8.478187394
297526792 8.035568095
297255702 8.279264992
119525323 10.19423749
320100952 9.011861999
119524173 8.581143338
389861606 8.380170169
323707611 10.47395126
296095218 7.718929856
319752897 8.899458077
15621947 8.433007261
390191489 8.429366812
323707133 8.400793661
302348162 8.508230297
319753203 8.049832372
119674858 10.08201728
307596642 9.032161252

Total number of rows: 43599

Table truncated, full table size 889 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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