tissue: skin diagnosis: Benign Inflammatory Dermatosis (BID) number of patients: 3 number of male patients: 1 number of female patients: 2
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Trizol extraction of total RNA was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label protocol
This step was performed in core facility of Oebiotech; Address: 1505 Zuchongzhi Rd, Blk 138, Floor 6, Shanghai, China. Tel: 86-21-38762096
Hybridization protocol
The sample labeling, microarray hybridization and washing were performed based on the manufacturer’s standard protocols .Briefly, total RNA were tailed with Poly A and then labeled with Biotin. After, the labeled RNAs were hybridized onto the microarray. (This step was performed in core facility of Oebiotech; Address: 1505 Zuchongzhi Rd, Blk 138, Floor 6, Shanghai, China. Tel: 86-21-38762096)
Scan protocol
GeneChips were scanned by the Affymetrix Scanner 3000 (Affymetrix).
Data processing
Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console software (version4.0, Affymetrix) was used to analyze array images to get raw data and then offered RMA normalization. Genespring software (version 12.5; Agilent Technologies) was used to proceed the following data analysis. (This step was performed in core facility of Oebiotech; Address: 1505 Zuchongzhi Rd, Blk 138, Floor 6, Shanghai, China. Tel: 86-21-38762096)