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Sample GSM3347976 Query DataSets for GSM3347976
Status Public on Sep 01, 2019
Title ΔFVEG_10494-6.4, 1.5 mM NO, rep 1
Sample type SRA
Source name PDB liquid culture
Organism Fusarium verticillioides
Characteristics strain: [delta] FVEG_10494-6.7
hours growth: 3 days + 30 min NO exposure
Treatment protocol Prior to harvesting samples, half of the cultures of each strain received 22.5 ul of 200 mM DETA NONOate (1.5 mM DETA NONOate final concentration in the 3 ml cultures) and were incubated an additional 30 min.
Growth protocol Three milliliters of PDB (potato dextrose broth; Neogen Food Safety, Lansing, MI, USA) in sterile snap-cap tubes, with caps loose, were inoculated with 1x10^6 F. verticillioides conidia and grown at 27 °C, 250 rpm for 3 days. Cultures of both FRC M-3125 and ΔFVEG_10494-6.4 were prepared.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol For each treatment, 1 ml of culture was transferred to lysing matrix S tubes (MP Biomedicals, LLC, Santa Ana, CA, USA), centrifuged at 10,000 x g for 5 min at 4°C, and the supernatant discarded. Lysis buffer (PureLink® RNA Mini Kit, Thermo Fisher Scientific) was immediately added to the fungal pellets, and the samples were homogenized using the FastPrep-24™ 5G Instrument (MP Biomedicals) at a speed of 6 m/sec with two segments of homogenization for 30 seconds with a 1 min rest in between. The total RNA was extracted following the manufacturer’s instructions (PureLink® RNA Mini Kit, Thermo Fisher Scientific). Isolated RNA samples were DNase treated (TURBO DNA-free™ Kit, Thermo Fisher Scientific), tested by conventional PCR for the complete removal of DNA, and checked for quality (RNA integrity number > 6.0) using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technology, Waldbronn, Germany).
Twelve libraries (wild type and mutant ΔFVEG_10494-6.4 treated with and without 1.5 mM DETA NONOate for 30 min, with three biological replicates each) were prepared and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq (75 Cycles) High Output Flow Cell (paired end, 75 bp read length) by the Georgia Genomics Facility at the University of Georgia.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Description ΔFVEG_10494-6.4 NO-exposed, Rep1
Data processing FastQC
Removal of low quality reads (Phred score <20) and sequencing adapters using Trimmomatic 0.25
Bioconductor Rsubread align function for mapping filtered reads to the F. verticillioides genome
Read counting, normalization, and expression level (FPKM) calculations were executed using the featurecount function in Rsubread using the default settings.
Differential gene expression analysis was performed using edgeR and DESeq packages, by applying a false discovery rate threshold of < 0.05 for the adjusted p-value.
Genome_build: Fusarium verticillioides genome as downloaded from (Fusarium verticillioides_7600_3_supercontig)
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: FPKM values in tab delimited table format for all treatments and genes (.txt file)
Submission date Aug 20, 2018
Last update date Sep 01, 2019
Contact name Anthony E. Glenn
Phone 706-546-3119
Organization name USDA, ARS, USNPRC, R.B. Russell Research Center
Department Toxicology & Mycotoxin Research Unit
Street address 950 College Station Rd
City Athens
State/province GA
ZIP/Postal code 30605
Country USA
Platform ID GPL25477
Series (1)
GSE118800 Analysis of Fusarium verticillioides gene expression in response to nitric oxide (NO)
BioSample SAMN09865701
SRA SRX4579982

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