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Sample GSM416900 Query DataSets for GSM416900
Status Public on Jul 10, 2009
Title KC0044 (T11S2-A)
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name T11S2-A
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: Ductal Breast Carcinoma
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (cat# 51306).
Label Cy5,Cy3
Label protocol Briefly, complexity-reduced representations consisting of small (200-1200 bp) fragments were amplified by adapter-mediated PCR of genomic DNA. DNA samples (2 ug) were labeled either with Cy5-dCTP or Cy3-dCTP using Amersham-Pharmacia MegaPrime labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ), and competitively hybridized to each other on the same slide. Each sample genome was analyzed in duplicate, swapping the Cy5 and Cy3 dyes with the control (i.e. "colour reversal").
Channel 2
Source name SKN1
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell line: EBV Immortalized Fibroblast Reference
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (cat# 51306).
Label Cy3,Cy5
Label protocol Briefly, complexity-reduced representations consisting of small (200-1200 bp) fragments were amplified by adapter-mediated PCR of genomic DNA. DNA samples (2 ug) were labeled either with Cy5-dCTP or Cy3-dCTP using Amersham-Pharmacia MegaPrime labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ), and competitively hybridized to each other on the same slide. Each sample genome was analyzed in duplicate, swapping the Cy5 and Cy3 dyes with the control (i.e. "colour reversal").
Hybridization protocol Hybridizations consisted of 35 uL of hybridization solution (37% formamide, 4x SSC, 0.1%SDS, and labeled DNA). Samples were denatured in an MJ Research Tetrad (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) at 95 degrees C for 5 min, and then pre-annealed at 37 degrees C for no more than 30 min. The solution was then applied to the microarray and hybridized under a coverslip in an oven at 42 degrees C for 14 to 16 h. Thereafter, slides were washed 1 min in 0.2% SDS/0.2x SSC, 30 sec in 0.2x SSC, and 30 sec in 0.05x SSC. Slides were dried by centrifugation and scanned immediately.
Scan protocol Scanned on an Axon GenePix 4000B scanner using a pixel size of 5 um.
Microarrays were scanned and gridded using GenePix Pro 4.0 software (MDS Analytical Technologies, Toronto, Canada) and data were imported into S-Plus 2000 analysis software (Insightful, Seattle, WA).
Description This experiment was done in colour reversal.
Data processing The data were normalized using a lowess curve-fitting algorithm, followed by a local normalization (previously described in Hicks et al.). After placement in genome order, the mean of log ratios was computed for color reversal experiments for each sample. Segmentation was performed on the above-described data. Segments are defined as non-overlapping, genomic regions where copy number has changed. Our segmentation method is based on the minimization of the square-sum of differences between log-ratios and means (squared deviation) over segments larger than 6 probes in size. Initially, the segmenter searches for breakpoints that might be boundaries of segments. The first known breakpoint on a given chromosome is its first probe. For a given breakpoint, a 100-probe window to its right is selected. The sum of squared deviations of the flanking probes is calculated for each probe within this window. A probe whose squared deviation value produces a local minimum with respect to its neighbors, and is below a threshold of 95% of the square deviation within a window, is accepted as a new, known breakpoint. Whenever a probe is found below the threshold in the newly defined region, the segmenter recursively breaks said region into two pieces until it cannot find any further breakpoints therein. If no breakpoints are found, the 100- probe window is shifted by half its size and this procedure continues until a chromosome end is reached. Initial segments are constructed using found breakpoints. Each segment and its neighbors are validated for significance by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) algorithm. If the p-value of compared segments is less than 10-5, then said segment is accepted as real. If not, the segments are merged. The segmenter also reports statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and median for each segment.

The VALUEs combine the data from both color-reversal (non-dye swap and dye swap) samples.
Submission date Jun 12, 2009
Last update date Jul 09, 2009
Contact name Nicholas Navin
Organization name Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Lab Wigler Lab
Street address 1 Bungtown Road
City Cold Spring Harbor
State/province NY
ZIP/Postal code 11724
Country USA
Platform ID GPL8581
Series (2)
GSE16608 Tumor T11 Sectors
GSE16672 All Tumor Sector Experiments (T1-T20)

Data table header descriptions
F635.MEDIAN Median of pixel values for each spot scanned at 635 nm wavelength
F535.MEDIAN Median of pixel values for each spot scanned at 532 nm wavelength
LOWRED Lowess normalized value for each spot in red colour
LOWGREEN Lowess normalizad value for each spot in green colour
LOCAL.RED Local normalized output for each spot in red
LOCAL.GREEN Local normalized value for each spot in green
LOCAL.RATIO Ratio of local-normalized values for each spot
PRE_VALUE Geometric mean Ratio (test/reference) of Two Local Ratio Color Reversal Experiments

Data table
1 2238.06699922825 3009.202821956701 2392.739072424577 2795.520215431486 1.448094702203587 1.69289169240853 .8553971342037471 -0.0719 .951358862797734
2 1678.387243233554 1617.630945809623 1810.552556873106 1492.971420369586 1.112468660851008 .928045745957381 1.198721793291961 0.0100 1.006936176055525
3 2311.009627226249 2398.14075912628 2468.587998427298 2219.646611442064 1.564269311127334 1.430054818586126 1.093852690677903 0.1924 1.142693938816717
4 8303.014720864401 8941.40295189291 8322.110530587594 8373.666884570686 5.389856647642026 5.323614812296461 1.012443018077221 0.0375 1.026327391273404
5 8239.184967508492 8420.92390881751 8248.097654846015 7871.553247039119 4.992100870935127 4.947036878144382 1.009109289843752 0.1308 1.094914793512337
6 5431.783626069298 7171.394233887444 5556.963060684919 6689.851708751044 3.419388376475302 4.109696907789808 .8320293328673352 -0.2315 .8517597153600036
7 2023.587756201451 2624.81754377031 2169.664587367576 2431.206260204608 1.261141981203196 1.419472929270999 .8884579305438972 -0.1178 .9216105930363943
8 814.5291534334116 1028.054369802245 903.0527849593612 945.0236920490034 .5605783848757128 .5963341828266651 .940040670180154 -0.0538 .9633711790151112
9 1381.209934578198 1938.362497539518 1499.215382891514 1789.322247685028 .9226944504336442 1.064706983810351 .8666182005602373 -0.0668 .9547754731795854
10 7892.440678515891 7476.807819238041 7917.542961390093 6978.980872766867 5.019375590329333 4.341570663651554 1.156119750014088 0.0504 1.035550788362244
11 7770.281317595671 13060.3004339607 7800.409154883901 12470.7167562734 4.596599753938969 7.143818236007239 .6434373890940512 -0.7560 .5921243162683382
12 12624.1965242355 16877.10153648654 12591.6596090419 16322.09424800876 8.210920762430463 10.87976665059522 .7546964035282188 -0.1484 .9022525507426185
13 2562.114999330758 3014.146836103449 2726.041045050742 2797.266334394021 1.772433859684556 1.795550899885369 .9871253773968258 -0.0261 .9820540765620426
14 5689.613754025699 6220.3344268612 5806.393440128658 5798.978052172364 3.99189824266608 3.976672840267804 1.003828678649173 -0.0332 .9772828694060344
15 2306.286066825932 2571.73120330587 2463.449951203074 2381.848493195515 1.470258318524325 1.357074383797748 1.083402896759302 -0.0317 .9782462846064336
16 2772.321437753418 3903.486936129836 2940.93611550282 3630.197112654437 1.809684221516172 2.173178109493212 .8327362647409478 -0.0222 .984757247956546
17 679.8119083490823 729.7309901577866 760.7157907601753 669.6828404384605 .4503072348251276 .3880014252738716 1.16058139350204 0.1035 1.074340463169438
18 3255.259307580234 4068.196156402026 3429.133650406194 3784.033921634755 2.119720989170366 2.406464007505954 .8808446677609911 -0.0476 .9675498126456742
19 1331.791117218948 1589.417851401428 1447.212962200268 1466.14135405734 .8725395478413716 .8365300173802199 1.043046310010397 0.0160 1.011126570388975
20 765.0862950552687 1255.17242121725 851.0570402373835 1155.980677652364 .5180616021365796 .6854420471351205 .7558065693545858 -0.2287 .8534298175656111

Total number of rows: 83055

Table truncated, full table size 12654 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM416900_KC0044.gpr.gz 13.6 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM416900_KC0045.gpr.gz 13.6 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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