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Sample GSM433476 Query DataSets for GSM433476
Status Public on Oct 21, 2011
Title Shade leaves_2xozone_020806_rep6
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Shade leaves_2xozone_020806_rep.3_dye_swap
Organism Fagus sylvatica
Characteristics age: about 60 years
tissue: five pooled shade leaves
tree: 443
exposition: 2x ambient ozone, restricted to 150 ppm
sampling: 2nd of August 2006
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol According to Kiefer et al. 2000.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Cy5 Mono-Reactive Dye Pack dissolved in 85 µl DMSO, dried cDNA dissolved in 4.5µl Na2CO3, 4.5µl dissolved Cy5 dye was added and incubated for about 2 hours at room temperature and in the dark. Precipitate with 35 µl 100 mM NaAc (pH 5,2), purified with QIAquick PCR Purification Kit, Qiagen, Hilden. Dried and dissolved in 62 µl hybridization buffer (50% formamide, 5-fach SSC, 0.1% SDS, 2% salmon sperm DNA (w/w), then for 3 minutes at 90°C, centrifuged and put on array.
Channel 2
Source name Shade leaves_1xozone_020806_rep.3_dye_swap
Organism Fagus sylvatica
Characteristics age: about 60 years
tissue: five pooled shade leaves
tree: 409
exposition: 1x ambient ozone
sampling: 2nd of August 2006
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol According to Kiefer et al. 2000.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Cy3 Mono-Reactive Dye Pack dissolved in 85 µl DMSO, dried cDNA dissolved in 4.5µl Na2CO3, 4.5µl dissolved Cy3 dye was added and incubated for about 2 hours at room temperature and in the dark. Precipitate with 35 µl 100 mM NaAc (pH 5,2), purified with QIAquick PCR Purification Kit, Qiagen, Hilden. Dried and dissolved in 62 µl hybridization buffer (50% formamide, 5-fach SSC, 0.1% SDS, 2% salmon sperm DNA (w/w), then for 3 minutes at 90°C, centrifuged and put on array.
Hybridization protocol Blocking: 1. 0.1 % SDS for 2 minutes shaking, 2. 0.1 % SDS for 2 minutes shaking, 3. H2Obidest. for 2 minutes shaking, 4. washing of slides in H2Obidest., 5. washing another time with water for 2 minutes, 6. for 2 minutes in cooking water, 7. for 5 minutes in fresh sodium-boric-solution (0.75 g NaBH4 in 200 ml PBS and 75 ml 100% Ethanol p.a.), 8. 1 minutes washing in 0.1 % SDS, 9. another time washing in 0.1 % SDS for 1 minute, 10. 1 minute washing in H2Obidest, 11. incubating in 100% EtOH for about 20 seconds.
Hybridization for 16h up to 20h at 42°C in a hybridization furnace.
Washing: in wash buffer (1x SSC/0.2% SDS) for 4 minutes at 42 °C, 4 minutes in wash buffer (0.1x SSC und 0.2% SDS), 2 minutes in wash buffer (0.1x SSC), 2 minutes in wash buffer (0.1x SSC), 2 minutes in Millipore water.
Scan protocol Hardware: GenePix 4000A (Axon Instruments, Sunnyvale, USA), simultaneous scanning of both wavelengths (532nm, 635nm).
Software: GenePix Pro 6.0 (Axon Instruments (Sunnyvale, USA) FLA 8000 Version 1.3.
Description A coefficient of variation about all microarrays of one time point was calculated using Acuity 4.0 microarray informatics software [Axon Instruments]. We used only those spots that had a coefficient of variation < 50 and were present on at least half of identical slides. We express the median values as log2 ratios.
Data processing Normalization via GenePix Pro 4.0.
For normalization, only spots were used which (1) were not marked with "bad", "absent", or "not found"; (2) spots that had for both wavelengths more than 55% of pixel above background one standard deviation; (3) spots with a pixel intensity for both wavelengths above 500; (4) coefficient of determination of actual regression of both wavelengths was above 0.5; (5) light saturation of pixel was under 3%. On the basis of these values, all genes of the array were normalized.
Submission date Jul 25, 2009
Last update date Oct 21, 2011
Contact name Maren Olbrich
Organization name Helmholtz Zentrum München
Street address Ingolstädter Landstr. 1
City Neuherberg
ZIP/Postal code 85764
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL8922
Series (2)
GSE17416 Sun and shade leaves_2x ambient ozone_020806
GSE17545 Transcriptional signatures in leaves of adult European beech trees in an experimentally enhanced free air ozone setting

Data table header descriptions
F635 Median
F635 Mean
F635 SD
F635 CV
B635 Median
B635 Mean
B635 SD
B635 CV
% > B635+1SD
% > B635+2SD
F635 % Sat.
F532 Median
F532 Mean
F532 SD
F532 CV
B532 Median
B532 Mean
B532 SD
B532 CV
% > B532+1SD
% > B532+2SD
F532 % Sat.
Ratio of Medians (635/532)
Ratio of Means (635/532)
Median of Ratios (635/532)
Mean of Ratios (635/532)
Ratios SD (635/532)
Rgn Ratio (635/532)
Rgn R2 (635/532)
F Pixels
B Pixels
Sum of Medians (635/532)
Sum of Means (635/532)
VALUE Log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3)
F635 Median - B635
F532 Median - B532
F635 Mean - B635
F532 Mean - B532
F635 Total Intensity
F532 Total Intensity
SNR 635
SNR 532

Data table
ID_REF F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD F635 CV B635 B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD B635 CV % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD F532 CV B532 B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD B532 CV % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 % Sat. Ratio of Medians (635/532) Ratio of Means (635/532) Median of Ratios (635/532) Mean of Ratios (635/532) Ratios SD (635/532) Rgn Ratio (635/532) Rgn R2 (635/532) F Pixels B Pixels Circularity Sum of Medians (635/532) Sum of Means (635/532) VALUE F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532 F635 Mean - B635 F532 Mean - B532 F635 Total Intensity F532 Total Intensity SNR 635 SNR 532 Flags Normalize Autoflag
1 2988 2982 467 15 245 245 275 140 51 100 100 0 1827 1802 245 13 280 280 290 66 22 100 100 0 1.773 1.798 1.789 1.801 4.355 1.753 0.929 156 1212 100 4290 4259 0.826 2743 1547 2737 1522 465208 281187 19.293 22.815 0 1 0
2 1427 1429 256 17 250 250 267 106 39 100 100 0 1191 1202 148 12 320 320 328 59 18 100 100 0 1.351 1.335 1.35 1.321 4.402 1.262 0.841 156 1096 100 2048 2060 0.434 1177 871 1178 882 223061 187656 10.895 14.607 0 1 0
3 660 759 802 105 254 254 271 116 42 93 78 0 666 780 1151 147 315 315 319 54 17 100 99 0 1.157 1.085 1.16 1.063 6.461 0.701 0.826 256 1885 100 757 970 0.21 406 351 505 465 194588 199941 4.21 8.461 0 1 0
4 495 508 164 32 254 254 269 101 37 82 59 0 562 564 91 16 316 316 325 105 32 93 67 0 0.984 1.029 0.991 0.921 7.62 0.917 0.404 256 1924 100 486 501 -0.023 241 245 254 247 130141 144496 2.37 2.264 0 0 0
5 122631 118724 11322 9 258 258 284 147 51 100 100 81 35022 34474 2228 6 318 318 327 60 18 100 100 89 3.526 3.468 3.526 3.457 3.875 3.475 0.986 208 1512 100 157076 152621 1.818 122373 34703 118466 34155 24694772 7170619 801.203 565.46 0 0 0
6 122631 112497 25338 22 275 275 301 181 60 100 100 78 35022 34200 3258 9 337 337 347 91 26 100 100 89 3.528 3.314 3.528 3.155 4.993 3.401 0.955 208 1512 100 157040 146085 1.819 122356 34684 112222 33863 23399497 7113763 618.124 368.297 0 0 0
7 520 546 192 35 237 237 263 138 52 82 50 0 550 550 96 17 304 304 308 56 18 99 90 0 1.144 1.253 1.234 1.084 7.961 1.103 0.424 256 1900 100 528 554 0.195 282 246 308 246 139705 140915 2.041 4.264 0 0 0
8 604 628 205 32 273 273 295 116 39 91 67 0 677 676 98 14 359 359 366 65 17 100 98 0 1.043 1.122 1.025 0.994 6.841 1.032 0.482 208 1660 100 648 671 0.061 331 317 355 316 130960 140764 2.871 4.754 0 0 0
9 671 696 185 26 250 250 271 121 44 98 88 0 734 740 109 14 286 286 293 53 18 100 100 0 0.939 0.98 0.944 0.916 5.611 0.902 0.561 256 1889 100 869 899 -0.091 421 448 445 454 178047 189664 3.492 8.287 0 1 0
10 450 465 149 32 241 241 260 99 38 80 51 0 643 646 84 13 334 334 342 66 19 100 96 0 0.676 0.718 0.718 0.634 7.371 0.654 0.377 256 1799 100 518 536 -0.565 209 309 224 312 119050 165592 2.075 4.56 0 0 0
11 361 374 121 32 248 248 271 134 49 39 10 0 564 575 84 14 305 305 312 58 18 99 96 0 0.433 0.464 0.48 0.4 9.836 0.412 0.146 256 1817 100 371 395 -1.207 112 259 125 270 95981 147318 0.764 4.523 0 0 0
12 411 441 157 35 241 241 254 84 33 77 50 0 656 667 105 15 351 351 362 197 54 89 20 0 0.559 0.634 0.614 0.573 7.761 0.481 0.27 208 1506 100 474 515 -0.839 170 304 200 315 91672 138783 2.222 1.543 0 0 0
13 857 888 194 21 254 254 275 140 51 100 98 0 1060 1058 122 11 320 320 325 59 18 100 100 0 0.814 0.859 0.821 0.831 4.922 0.82 0.756 208 1630 100 1342 1372 -0.297 602 740 634 738 184837 220223 4.373 12.241 0 1 0
14 832 828 239 28 247 247 260 93 35 98 96 0 1192 1148 230 20 350 350 356 62 17 99 99 0 0.695 0.729 0.716 0.708 5.597 0.692 0.742 208 1506 100 1427 1378 -0.524 585 842 581 797 172603 238921 6.08 12.658 0 1 0
15 503 522 153 29 248 248 269 117 43 84 56 0 634 640 90 14 305 305 313 68 22 99 99 0 0.772 0.814 0.783 0.706 7.008 0.734 0.409 256 1902 100 583 608 -0.374 254 329 273 335 133414 163975 2.143 4.752 0 0 0
16 533 565 157 27 248 248 265 101 38 94 74 0 729 737 102 13 353 353 362 75 20 100 99 0 0.756 0.823 0.792 0.744 6.597 0.651 0.416 208 1660 100 660 700 -0.404 284 376 316 384 117615 153368 2.963 4.944 0 0 0
17 295 306 106 34 256 256 275 104 38 25 9 0 425 439 65 14 378 378 387 87 22 34 5 0 0.836 0.822 1.282 1.253 9.047 0.051 0.001 52 420 100 86 111 -0.259 39 47 50 61 15922 22875 0.304 0.598 0 0 0
18 273 288 91 31 248 248 258 87 34 26 8 0 527 532 77 14 360 360 369 67 18 95 64 0 0.145 0.228 0.418 0.315 13.15 0.194 0.036 156 1140 100 191 211 -2.786 24 167 39 172 45055 82994 0.34 2.413 0 0 0
19 290 301 99 32 248 248 269 110 40 30 3 0 459 453 63 13 321 321 335 73 21 83 45 0 0.299 0.397 0.782 0.625 10.283 0.308 0.043 120 820 100 178 183 -1.744 41 137 52 131 36144 54360 0.288 1.606 0 0 0
20 267 280 86 30 247 247 254 87 34 27 6 0 493 497 67 13 353 353 360 59 16 90 66 0 0.148 0.234 0.529 0.486 10.975 0.174 0.018 120 820 100 159 176 -2.76 20 139 33 143 33605 59719 0.298 2.286 0 0 0

Total number of rows: 1802

Table truncated, full table size 364 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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