Total RNA was extracted from individual hearts using Trizol according to the manufacter's instructions (Invitrogen).
Label protocol
100ng of total RNA was labeled and hybridized to Affymetrix mouse GeneChip® Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array as per manufacturer's instructions.
Hybridization protocol
As per standard Affymetrix protocol for the Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array.
Scan protocol
Arrays were scanned using the Affymetrix Scanner 3000.
Gene expression data from a single heart from Nkx2-5+/IRES-CRE mouse (Sibling control)
Data processing
Log2 transformation and Robust Multichip Average (RMA) normalization method was applied using Expression Console software using the following parameters: affymetrix-algorithm-param-apt-opt-analysis-spec=rma-bg,quant-norm, sketch=-1, bioc=true, lowprecision=false, usepm=true, subsetmd5=79d5db3133f5267f6c61d65ecbaaf825,pm-only,med-polish, expon=false, attenuate=true, l=0.005, h=-1,expr, genotype=false, strand=false.