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Sample GSM472230 Query DataSets for GSM472230
Status Public on Dec 31, 2009
Title ES Cells+ESC medium+DAPT 4 hrs N2B27 medium+1% O2+DAPT 6 hrs 1
Sample type RNA
Source name ES cells, ESC medium+DAPT, 4hrs, N2B27 medium+1% O2+DAPT, 6 hrs
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics treatment: 1% O2+DAPT
gender: Male
strain: Ainv15
cell type: ES cells
developmental stage: Blastocyst
Treatment protocol 2,000,000 cells were plated into gelatin-coated 10cm dishes in ESC medium or N2B27 medium consisting of a 1:1 ratio of DMEM/F12 and Neurobasal media supplemented with 0.5% N2 (Gibco) 0.5% B27 (GIBCO, San Diego, California, United States), and 2-mercaptoethanol and glutamine. For the relevant treatments doxycycline was used at a concentration of 2ug/ml (SIGMA) and DAPT at 2.5ng/ml (Calbiochem). In experiments where Notch signaling was pharmacologically blocked, DAPT in ESC medium was applied 4 hours before initiation of array conditions. Hypoxic culture was achieved with an Invivo2 Hypoxia Workstation 400 at 1% oxygen pressure, 6% CO2 37˚C.
Growth protocol ES cells were maintained on gelatin (Sigma) coated dishes (Corning) in ESC medium consisting of DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 5% ESC tested FCS (Sigma), 5% KSR (Gibco), pyruvate (Gibco), non-essential amino acids, beta-mercaptoethanol and LIF at 6% CO2 at 37˚C.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Following the respective treatments, cells were washed with PBS, trypsinised, resuspended in RNAlater and stored at -20°C. Total RNA extraction was performed using the RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer instructions. RNA quality was assessed on the 2100 Bioanalyser (Agilent) using the RNA 6000 Nano Chip kit (Agilent) for intact 18S and 28S ribosomal peaks without significant degradation (RNA Integrity Number >9) for all samples.
Label Biotin
Label protocol 500ng of total RNA from each sample was reverse transcribed into cDNA and in vitro transcribed into biotin-labelled cRNA using the Illumina TotalPrep RNA Amplification kit (Ambion).
Hybridization protocol 750ng of each labelled cRNA sample was hybridized to MouseRef-8 v1.1 Expression BeadChip microarrays (Illumina) according to manufacturer specifications.
Scan protocol Microarrays were scanned on the BeadArray Reader (Illumina, USA) at scan factor 1 as per manufacturer specifications.
Description Biological replicate 1
Data processing The microarray data was subjected to background subtraction on the BeadStudio Data Analysis software (Illumina) and normalized using the Cross-correlation method (Chua et al., 2006).
Chua SW, Vijayakumar P, Nissom PM, Yam CY, Wong VV, Yang H: A novel normalization method for effective removal of systematic variation in microarray data. Nucleic acids research 2006, 34(5):e38.
Submission date Nov 18, 2009
Last update date Dec 22, 2009
Contact name Kian Leong LEE
Phone +(65) 6601 3685
Organization name National University of Singapore (NUS)
Department Duke-NUS Medical School
Lab Cancer & Stem Cell Biology Program (CSCB)
Street address #07-21, 8 College Road
City Singapore
State/province Singapore
ZIP/Postal code 169857
Country Singapore
Platform ID GPL6103
Series (1)
GSE19074 Integration between Notch- and hypoxia-induced transcriptomes

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Background subtracted cross-correlation method normalised intensity values generated using MATLAB scripts

Data table
ILMN_1212602 82.135016
ILMN_1212605 328.04877
ILMN_1212607 50
ILMN_1212612 50
ILMN_1212616 55.449348
ILMN_1212619 58.827443
ILMN_1212626 418.27004
ILMN_1212628 50
ILMN_1212632 50.413906
ILMN_1212636 7085.4077
ILMN_1212637 3427.0297
ILMN_1212644 50
ILMN_1212645 50
ILMN_1212646 2397.3331
ILMN_1212648 356.80573
ILMN_1212672 1529.5126
ILMN_1212681 50
ILMN_1212682 50
ILMN_1212683 50
ILMN_1212685 50

Total number of rows: 24611

Table truncated, full table size 460 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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