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Sample GSM5641048 Query DataSets for GSM5641048
Status Public on Oct 21, 2021
Title Mouse_Brain_1
Sample type SRA
Source name Mouse brain cortex/hippocampus
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: Brain
sorting strategy: unsorted
Treatment protocol Marmosets, cynomolgus macaques and rhesus macaques between 3-10 years and retinas were injected intravitreally with AAV libraries. Monkeys used for K912-scCAG-GFP fluorophore expression received daily oral doses of cyclosporine at a dose of 6 mg/kg for the duration of the study. Marmosets received oral daily doses of meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) for one week after injection. C57BL/6J mice from Jackson Laboratories were used for mouse experiments. 50 uL of pooled AAV vector library was delivered by systemic injections via facial vein injection to P0 mice, which were anesthetized on ice. Tissues were collected 3 weeks after injection.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol The NHP retinas were dissected and regions of interest were isolated (macula, superior and inferior periphery). For cynomolgus macaque, superior and inferior periphery were pooled. Retinal tissue was placed in Hibernate solution (Hibernate A -Ca Solution, BrainBits LLC), and cells were then dissociated using Macs Miltenyi Biotec Neural Tissue Dissociation Kit for postnatal neurons (130-094-802) according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Dissected retina pieces were incubated with agitation at 37 °C and further mechanically dissociated. The dissociated neural retina was filtered using a 70 µm MACS Smart Strainer (Miltenyi Biotec) to ensure single-cell suspension. Cells were resuspended in 0.1% BSA in D-PBS and processed immediately for scRNA-seq. Brain, heart, and liver of mice were freshly dissected, and cells were dissociated using Macs Miltenyi Adult Brain Tissue Dissociation Kit (130-107-677), Multi Tissue Dissociation Kit 2 (130-110-203) and Liver Dissociation Kit (130-105-807) according to manufacturer’s recommendations. The cells were resuspended in 0.1% BSA in D-PBS and processed immediately for scRNA-seq. Following dissociation using Macs Miltenyi Tissue Dissociation Kits specific for retina, brain, heart and liver, a Miltenyi MACS Tyto sorter was used to enrich for GFP-positive cells. Cells were resuspended 0.1% BSA in D-PBS and processed immediately for scRNA-seq.
Marmoset and cynomolgus macaque samples were prepared for single cell analysis using a 10x Chromium Single Cell 3’ v3 kit. Briefly, single cells from retina samples were captured using 10X Chromium system (10X Genomics), the cells were partitioned into Gel beads-in-emulsion (GEMS), mRNAs were reverse transcribed and cDNAs with 10X Genomics Barcodes were created with unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) for different transcripts. Purified cDNA was PCR amplified and further purified with SPRIselect reagent (Beckman Coulter, B23318). Final libraries were generated after fragmentation, end repair, A-tailing, adaptor ligation, and sample index PCR steps according to 10x Single Cell 3’ workflow. An additional targeted sequencing analysis was run on these 10x-prepped cDNA samples, using PCR amplification with Q5 High Fidelity DNA Polymerase to target the GFP sequence and its associated AAV barcode. Samples from mouse tissues and cultured 293AAV (Cell Biolabs) cells were prepared for single cell analysis using a 10X Chromium Single Cell 3’ v3.1 kit. The resulting libraries were pooled, and an additional targeted gene enrichment protocol was performed using 10X Chromium Targeted Gene Expression kit.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description mouse_barcodes.tsv
Data processing Sequencing data was demultiplexed into sample-level fastq files using Cell Ranger mkfastq (v3 10X Genomics).
Alignment and cell demultiplexing were run using STARsolo(14) (v2.7) with default parameters, creating raw count matrices.
The performance of AAV variants was analyzed based on quantification of AAV variant-mediated GFP-barcode mRNA expression. For non-human primates, AAV-barcodes were analyzed from (1) the original scRNA-seq data and (2) PCR amplification of GFP from the 10x single cell prepped sample library. Mouse samples were analyzed using AAV- barcodes from (1) the original scRNA-seq data and (2) targeted gene enrichment against GFP and other marker genes. Targeted gene enrichment samples from the mouse were downsampled to a similar number of reads as the non-human primate GFP PCR-amplified non-human primate samples. AAV-barcodes were identified using Salmon (v0.9.1) transcript quantification. Only reads with 1 hit to an AAV- barcode were kept. Using these reads, AAV variants were identified based on the AAV- barcode. 10x barcodes in the reads from the PCR amplification analysis were corrected according to the 10x Cell Ranger count algorithm to mitigate any errors that may have been introduced by multiple rounds of PCR. As each UMI (unique molecular identifier) represents a single mRNA molecule captured, only one AAV- barcode should exist for each UMI. Rarely, multiple AAV- barcodes were found per UMI – possibly due to sequencing/PCR-introduced errors – in which case the AAV variant with the highest number of counts for that UMI was kept.
Genome_build: Cynomolgus macaque samples were aligned to the Macaca_fascicularis_5.0/macFas5 reference obtained from UCSC and marmoset samples were aligned to ASM275486v1 obtained from Ensembl. Mouse samples were aligned to the GRCm38 reference GCA_000001635.5 from NCBI.
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: Matrix tables with raw gene expression counts for every cell; Cell-by-GFP tables with raw GFP-barcode expression counts
Submission date Oct 20, 2021
Last update date Oct 22, 2021
Contact name Leah Byrne
Organization name University of Pittsburgh
Department Ophthalmology
Lab Byrne Lab
Street address 3501 Fifth Avenue
City Pittsburgh
State/province PA
ZIP/Postal code 15213
Country USA
Platform ID GPL24247
Series (1)
GSE161645 scAAVengr, a transcriptome-based pipeline for quantitative ranking of engineered AAVs with single-cell resolution
BioSample SAMN22426696
SRA SRX12705135

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM5641048_B1_raw_matrix.mtx.gz 142.2 Mb (ftp)(http) MTX
GSM5641048_cell_by_aav_mouse_B1_brain_results.csv.gz 4.7 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
GSM5641048_mouse_barcodes.tsv.gz 17.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TSV
GSM5641048_mouse_genes.tsv.gz 439.3 Kb (ftp)(http) TSV
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