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Sample GSM567821 Query DataSets for GSM567821
Status Public on Jul 06, 2011
Title Mesentery_control_rep2
Sample type RNA
Source name Mesenteric arteries, vehicle treated control
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics strain: Sprague Dawley
age: 9 weeks
gender: female
tissue: mesenteric artery
agent: vehicle
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol The mesenteric arterial tree was dissected free from veins and adipose tissue under RNAlater (Ambion). The RNAlater was blotted off and the tissue was minced, then homogenized in TRI reagent (MRC). The samples were centrifuged in the presence of bromochloropropane and sodium acetate. The RNA-containing upper layer was removed and the RNA purified on an RNeasy extraction column (Qiagen). The sample was treated with an on-column DNase treatment (RNase-free DNase, Qiagen). The purity and quantity of total RNA was evaluated with the RNA 6000 NanoLabChip in an Agilent Bioanalyzer.
Label Alexa-647
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA was prepared using the MessageAmp II-Biotin Enhanced Kit from Ambion from 2 micrograms total RNA starting material.
Hybridization protocol 10 micrograms of biotinylated cRNA were mixed with fragmentation buffer and heated to 94C for 20 min. The fragmented cRNA was mixed with CodeLink hybridization buffer, loaded on the microarray slides, and hybridized for 18 hours at 37C.
Scan protocol The slides were scanned in an Axon GenePix 4000B scanner.
Description Protocol for dissecting the mesenteric arterial tree is detailed in Rodrigo MC et al., J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 2002;47(2):87-92.
Data processing global median normalization, CodeLink Expression Analysis
Submission date Jul 19, 2010
Last update date Jul 06, 2011
Contact name Kathleen M Eyster
Organization name University of South Dakota
Department Basic Biomedical Sciences
Street address 414 E. Clark St.
City Vermillion
State/province SD
ZIP/Postal code 57069
Country USA
Platform ID GPL2896
Series (1)
GSE23037 Estrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators regulate gene and protein expression in the mesenteric arteries

Data table header descriptions
Raw_intensity Raw signal intensity value
VALUE Median normalized signal intensity value
Quality_flag CodeLink quality flag
Signal_strength Signal strength
Spot_mean Spot mean
Spot_median Spot median
Spot_stdev Spot standard deviation
Spot_area Spot area
Spot_diameter Spot diameter
Spot_noise_level Spot noise level
Bkgd_mean Background mean
Bkgd_median Background median
Bkgd_stdev Background standard deviation
Bkgd_area Background area
Probe_name CodeLink probe name

Data table
ID_REF Raw_intensity VALUE Quality_flag Signal_strength Spot_mean Spot_median Spot_stdev Spot_area Spot_diameter Spot_noise_level Bkgd_mean Bkgd_median Bkgd_stdev Bkgd_area Probe_name
1001 4242.2358 42.9179 G 46.1834 4298.2358 5309.0000 2950.8003 123 12.5143299102783 93.0688112852497 58.0833 56.0000 24.7125 124 GE200017
1002 17.2841 0.1749 L 0.8028 71.2841 65.0000 33.4552 88 10.5851345062256 88.7924577807479 58.5688 54.0000 23.1950 226 GE1275839
1004 27.8649 0.2819 L 0.9320 80.8649 77.0000 38.0790 37 6.86366271972656 86.7688216451437 54.1506 53.0000 22.5125 172 GE1204628
1005 2582.3723 26.1254 G 30.0578 2633.3723 3208.0000 1447.1371 94 10.9400415420532 87.6101526197751 55.9624 51.0000 24.4068 137 GE1289537
1006 482.6296 4.8827 G 5.9011 535.6296 555.0000 212.1225 81 10.1554126739502 90.7670185013177 57.1868 53.0000 25.1780 188 GE1250992
1007 3723.8650 37.6737 G 43.5027 3775.8650 4572.0000 2718.0459 126 12.6660251617432 86.7960974653307 56.3250 52.0000 23.1974 124 GE200017
1008 3721.9333 37.6541 G 44.3738 3773.9333 5193.0000 2533.9041 120 12.3607740402222 85.048746866166 55.2857 52.0000 22.0325 123 GE200018
1009 68.4179 0.6922 G 1.4154 118.4179 114.0000 50.0534 67 9.23618125915527 83.6633583796943 54.0123 50.0000 22.4422 168 GE1101647
1010 12.5294 0.1268 L 0.7625 65.5294 65.0000 20.5301 34 6.57952451705933 85.9437870028326 53.4074 53.0000 21.9625 168 GE1125512
1011 18.8000 0.1902 L 0.8192 69.8000 67.0000 31.1474 85 10.4031419754028 85.209820673324 56.4815 51.0000 22.8065 224 GE1109682
1012 126.1765 1.2765 G 1.9659 177.1765 172.0000 78.0776 68 9.30485343933105 90.1260185508988 55.1593 51.0000 26.0840 188 GE1246012
1013 826.8214 8.3648 G 10.0457 874.8214 956.0000 413.8665 84 10.3417663574219 87.084471725499 54.7088 48.0000 26.0563 188 GE1265640
1014 4088.3970 41.3616 G 51.4214 4139.3970 5471.0000 2912.3315 126 12.6660251617432 80.4995682428523 52.3167 51.0000 19.6664 124 GE200018
1015 3790.6558 38.3494 G 44.8665 3840.6558 4698.0000 2684.6335 122 12.4633550643921 85.6018563643839 57.3583 50.0000 23.7346 124 GE200019
1016 8.9524 0.0906 L 0.6870 58.9524 55.0000 26.5231 84 10.3417663574219 85.816310200934 54.0585 50.0000 23.8775 177 GE1301596
1017 7.5490 0.0764 L 0.6859 58.5490 49.0000 29.8784 51 8.0582389831543 85.3665753490372 53.5208 51.0000 22.9111 98 GE1251788
1018 13.7209 0.1388 L 0.7813 68.7209 60.0000 35.1491 86 10.4641580581665 87.9591288998124 57.9901 55.0000 21.9728 210 GE1162915
1019 8.5185 0.0862 L 0.7279 63.5185 54.0000 31.3946 54 8.29185962677002 87.2618048369585 56.7123 55.0000 21.5079 75 GE1300064
1020 530.1765 5.3637 G 6.6621 584.1765 601.0000 237.9787 85 10.4031419754028 87.6866168893462 58.6796 54.0000 22.4577 187 GE1164189
1021 4342.3672 43.9309 G 52.1923 4395.3672 5737.0000 3216.8513 128 12.7661533355713 84.2148916089316 54.6167 53.0000 20.8099 124 GE200019

Total number of rows: 35129

Table truncated, full table size 4517 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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