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Sample GSM5827 Query DataSets for GSM5827
Status Public on Apr 09, 2003
Title Spleen vs Untreated B cell Time 0 (set17)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Spleen was labeled with Cyanine-3 (green).
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Untreated B cells were labeled with Cyanine-5 (red)
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description total RNA from mouse (male c57BL/6) spleen
total RNA from untreated mouse (male c57BL/6) B cells
Submission date Apr 08, 2003
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Sangdun Choi
Phone 626-395-8732
Organization name California Institute of Technology
Department Biology
Lab Alliance for Cellular Signaling Molecular Biology Laboratory
Street address 1200 E. California Blvd
City Pasadena
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91125
Country USA
Platform ID GPL260
Series (2)
GSE402 Spleen vs Untreated, cultured B cell
GSE2050 Major Patterns of B Cell Gene Expression Changes in Response to Short-Term Stimulation with 33 Single Ligands

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Feature number which correpond to the order of genes on the array
RATIO Raw Log10 Ratio
G_PROCESSED Green Processed signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computation of log ratio
R_PROCESSED Red Processed signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computation of log ratio
G_MEAN Green Channel Mean Intensity
R_MEAN Red Channel Mean Intensity
G_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Intensity
R_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Intensity
G_SD Green Channel Standard Deviation
R_SD Red Channel Standard Deviation
G_BG_MEAN Green Channel Mean Background Level
R_BG_MEAN Red Channel Mean Background Level
G_BG_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Background Level
R_BG_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Background Level
G_BG_SD Green Channel Background Standard Deviation
R_BG_SD Red Channel Background Standard Deviation
VALUE Processed Log2 Ratio after removing saturated spots, spot below 2.6XSD of background, and nonuniform spots.

Data table
1 -0.133539 48796.7 35879.9 62291.3 51697.7 63681 49171 3866.76 8215 908.818 1497.93 907.5 1497.5 29.9152 56.2083 0
2 -0.337859 76.5814 35.1774 971.375 1484.5 971.5 1480.5 39.0382 51.0992 920.485 1496.55 921 1494 35.0566 60.4548 0
3 -0.0743436 50.6843 42.71 923.741 1481.67 927 1477 39.681 55.7412 898.726 1462.57 895 1467 36.911 71.9357 0
4 0 59.6975 24.2819 890.333 1356.19 890 1339 31.5997 96.2685 905.914 1480.28 901 1477 35.1625 72.6643 0
5 0.0580812 73.3482 83.8437 983.643 1594.07 979.5 1588 32.719 55.3667 928.122 1517.1 929 1518.5 33.8281 57.9439 0
6 -0.087526 286.64 234.32 1271.6 1765.84 1273 1778 60.7961 82.1268 927.858 1500.43 925 1500 37.5658 59.0796 0
7 0.0963657 50.9854 63.6519 940.385 1559.38 938 1556 37.1064 58.8674 913.275 1508.28 911 1504 39.9682 64.2881 0
8 0 42.064 37.4124 911.56 1496.16 910 1477 39.4431 61.4578 926.582 1510.31 922 1515 37.1522 74.6628 0
9 0.204253 2162.59 3461.2 3892.11 5859.57 3893.5 5885.5 196.762 302.681 929.596 1500.6 926.5 1500 36.7974 61.9518 0.678513779
10 0.358939 678.058 1549.55 1819.91 3448.77 1737.5 3176 399.417 923.73 925.248 1494.16 922 1490 34.9929 54.1259 1.192369548
11 -0.0502623 36.915 32.8807 915.75 1498.36 915 1493 30.8168 76.389 907.667 1507.3 908 1509 31.6935 59.8652 0
12 -0.0125935 37.4792 36.408 909.739 1471.91 910 1467 31.8023 58.6398 901.336 1484.53 902.5 1486.5 29.1879 66.7029 0
13 0 36.105 36.1757 910.6 1493.44 911 1485 19.0613 53.1335 913.605 1495.77 916 1493.5 34.3063 67.1077 0
14 0.321649 564.214 1183.29 1650.68 3002.92 1704 3087 148.967 315.237 918.325 1507.89 917 1504 30.9357 58.4251 1.06849485
15 0.319755 1768.9 3693.67 3326.85 6161.85 2401 4641.5 2362.22 4627.44 907.955 1507.92 907 1506 31.366 61.2175 0
16 0.319507 1649.65 3442.7 3152.23 5824.38 2970 5349 917.248 1791.19 898.176 1490.48 898 1487 29.8073 56.1913 1.06137928
17 -0.623885 1404.91 334.013 2758.73 1890.09 1902.5 1750.5 1892.46 360.227 908.484 1502.99 909 1499 32.1231 72.7448 0
18 0.0432908 205.213 226.723 1170.11 1800.11 1168 1810 42.5878 62.9825 934.622 1541.81 935 1546.5 37.1677 75.8515 0.143808925
19 0.597494 4735.4 18743.5 7394.5 25742.3 7650 26390.5 669.765 2704.41 953.726 1609.2 954 1608 38.288 74.123 1.984832105
20 -0.0115884 4312.79 4199.24 6899.89 7049.15 6838 7119 737.142 690.22 982.45 1733.02 983 1739.5 33.9201 98.8782 -0.038495832

Total number of rows: 16273

Table truncated, full table size 1978 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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