This sample was analyzed as part of the Stem Cell Genomics Project ( The biological material was submitted to the Ontario Genomics Innovation Centre ( by Dr. Michael Rudnicki (; 501 Smyth Road) for analysis. Stembase Experiment ID: E165 Stembase Experiment ID link: SCGP Sample ID: S207 SCGP Sample ID link: Short description: 6 hours of an 11-point time course study of R1 embryonic stem cells and their cognate differentiated embryoid bodies. All samples investigated in triplicate. The cells are differentiating embryonic bodies from murine embryonic stem cells. Estimated purity: 100% RNA concentration: 2.0 ug/uL Num cells for RNA prep: Unable to break up embryoid bodies to do a cell count. Sample volume: 15 uL
Data processing
Calculated using the MAS5 algorithm where sc=1500, tau=0.015, alpha1=0.04, and alpla2=0.06