This sample was analyzed as part of the Stem Cell Genomics Project ( The biological material was submitted to the Ontario Genomics Innovation Centre ( by Dr. Michael Rudnicki (; 501 Smyth Road) for analysis. Stembase Experiment ID: E113 Stembase Experiment ID link: SCGP Sample ID: S156 SCGP Sample ID link: Short description: 18 hours of an 11-point time course study of V6.5 embryonic stem cells and their cognate differentiated embryoid bodies. All samples investigated in triplicate. Estimated purity: 100% RNA concentration: 4.4 ug/ul Num cells for RNA prep: Unable to break up embryoid bodies to do a cell count. Sample volume: 30 ul
Data processing
Calculated using the MAS5 algorithm where sc=1500, tau=0.015, alpha1=0.04, and alpla2=0.06