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Sample GSM729763 Query DataSets for GSM729763
Status Public on Aug 01, 2011
Title DAY 30 (sham)
Sample type RNA
Source name Mus musculus kidney sham
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics strain: C57/BL6
tissue: kidney
age: 10-12 weeks
gender: Female
stress: sham operated control
time: day 30
Treatment protocol Mice were either 1)untreated naïve, 2) sham operated controls or 3) 30 minutes warm ischemia. Tissue was harvested from groups 2 and 3 on days 1,3,5,7,10,14,21 and 30
Growth protocol Kidney tissue was extracted directly from treated mice
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted from kidney tissue using the miRNeasy kit
Label Cy5
Label protocol The assay started from 4 to 8 µg total RNA sample, which was size fractionated using a YM-100 Microcon centrifugal filter (Millipore) and the small RNAs (< 300 nt) isolated were 3’-extended with a poly(A) tail using poly(A) polymerase. An oligonucleotide tag was then ligated to the poly(A) tail for later fluorescent dye staining; two different tags were used for the two RNA samples in dual-sample experiments
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was performed overnight on a µParaflo microfluidic chip using a micro-circulation pump (Atactic Technologies). On the microfluidic chip, each detection probe consisted of a chemically modified nucleotide coding segment complementary to target microRNA (from miRBase, or other RNA (control or customer defined sequences) and a spacer segment of polyethylene glycol to extend the coding segment away from the substrate. The detection probes were made by in situ synthesis using PGR (photogenerated reagent) chemistry. The hybridization melting temperatures were balanced by chemical modifications of the detection probes. Hybridization used 100 μL 6xSSPE buffer (0.90 M NaCl, 60 mM Na2HPO4, 6 mM EDTA, pH 6.8) containing 25% formamide at 34 °C. After RNA hybridization, tag-conjugating Cy3 and Cy5 dyes were circulated through the microfluidic chip for dye staining.
Scan protocol Fluorescence images were collected using a laser scanner (GenePix 4000B, Molecular Device) and digitized using Array-Pro image analysis software (Media Cybernetics).
Description Sample 8_Cy5
Data processing Data were analyzed by LC sciences by first subtracting the background and then normalizing the signals using a LOWESS filter (Locally-weighted Regression)
Submission date May 24, 2011
Last update date Aug 01, 2011
Contact name John Iacomini
Organization name Tufts University/ Medical Center
Street address 800 Washington st
City Boston
ZIP/Postal code 02111
Country USA
Platform ID GPL13642
Series (1)
GSE29495 Murine Kidney cells: Control versus Ischemia reperfusion injury

Data table header descriptions
VALUE LOWESS normalized average signal

Data table
mmu-let-7a 46022
mmu-let-7a* 26
mmu-let-7b 44812
mmu-let-7b* 52
mmu-let-7c 47340
mmu-let-7c-1* 25
mmu-let-7d 42463
mmu-let-7d* 29
mmu-let-7e 20166
mmu-let-7f 42885
mmu-let-7f* 40
mmu-let-7g 12632
mmu-let-7g* 13
mmu-let-7i 6608
mmu-let-7i* 20
mmu-miR-1 29
mmu-miR-100 37
mmu-miR-101a 33
mmu-miR-101a* 21
mmu-miR-101b 44

Total number of rows: 617

Table truncated, full table size 9 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM729763_Sample_8_Day_30_wt.txt.gz 84.2 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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