5ED9: Crystal structure of CC1 of mouse SUN2

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PDB ID: 5ED9Download
MMDB ID: 135506
PDB Deposition Date: 2015/10/21
Updated in MMDB: 2024/03
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 2.009  Å
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5ED9: Crystal structure of CC1 of mouse SUN2
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Proteins (3 molecules)
SUN Domain-containing Protein 2
(Gene symbol: Sun2)
3 Proteins
SS Diagram
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1153045607878 residues, click to see VAST similar structures.helix 11-54helix 55-69trimer interfacetrimer(29)location: 11, residue: Qlocation: 14, residue: Flocation: 15, residue: Qlocation: 18, residue: Slocation: 21, residue: Elocation: 22, residue: Llocation: 25, residue: Llocation: 26, residue: Elocation: 28, residue: Qlocation: 29, residue: Llocation: 32, residue: Llocation: 33, residue: Rlocation: 35, residue: Elocation: 36, residue: Llocation: 39, residue: Llocation: 40, residue: Tlocation: 42, residue: Klocation: 43, residue: Qlocation: 46, residue: Vlocation: 49, residue: Elocation: 50, residue: Vlocation: 53, residue: Llocation: 56, residue: Klocation: 57, residue: Ilocation: 60, residue: Alocation: 61, residue: Rlocation: 63, residue: Dlocation: 64, residue: Vlocation: 65, residue: ESUN2_cc1cd21438 (11-65): coiled-coil domain 1 of SUN domain-containing protein 2 and similar proteinsSUN_cc1 superfamilycl41753(11-65): SUN (Sad1 and UNC-84) proteins (SUN1 and SUN2) are components of the LINC (LInker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton) complex which is involved in...
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