4MQV: Crystal Complex Of Rpa32c And Smarcal1 N-terminus

PDB ID: 4MQVDownload
MMDB ID: 121136
PDB Deposition Date: 2013/9/16
Updated in MMDB: 2014/07
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 1.95  Å
Source Organism:
Similar Structures:
Molecular Components in 4MQV
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (4 molecules)
Replication Protein a 32 KDA Subunit
(Gene symbol: RPA2)
Molecule annotation
Swi/snf-related Matrix-associated Actin-dependent Regulator of Chromatin Subfamily A-like Protein 1
(Gene symbol: SMARCAL1)
Molecule annotation
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB