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Genome and transcriptome of the pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

Identifiers: SRA: DRP002497
BioProject: PRJDB3164
OIST: DRP002497
Study Type: 
Abstract: The pharaoh ant is a globally widespread pest, widely associated with human habitation. It is easy to rear and breed in the lab, making it a good model system for the study of social evolution. This project aims to assemble a draft genome of M. pharaonis using Illumina shotgun sequencing. RNA-seq from workers will be used for genome annotation, and for a study of worker age polyethism.
Description: The pharaoh ant is a globally widespread pest, widely associated with human habitation. It is easy to rear and breed in the lab, making it a good model system for the study of social evolution. This project aims to assemble a draft genome of M. pharaonis using Illumina shotgun sequencing. RNA-seq from workers will be used for genome annotation, and for a study of worker age polyethism.

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24 ( 24 samples )
24 (68.6Gbp; 42.5Gb)
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SRA Lite 24