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Comparative transcriptomics reveals the conserved building blocks involved in parallel evolution of ant phenotypic traits

Identifiers: SRA: DRP002877
BioProject: PRJDB4088
OIST: DRP002877
Study Type: 
Transcriptome Analysis
Abstract: We build 17 de novo transcriptomes and applied weighted gene co-expression network analysis to transcriptomic data from 16 ant species (two social forms of Solenopsis invicta) from three sub-families of ants. In this study, we show the existence of conserved modules of co-expressed functionally related genes that are correlated with phenotypic differentiation between queens and workers.
Center Project: Formicidae
External Link: /pubmed:26951146

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100 ( 100 samples )
100 (227.8Gbp; 137.8Gb)
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SRA Lite 100