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SRA of transcriptome of Hevea brasiliensis

Identifiers: SRA: SRP045158
BioProject: PRJNA257219
GEO: GSE59981
Study Type: 
Transcriptome Analysis
Abstract: We report here the use of next-generation massively parallel sequencing technologies and de novo transcriptome assembly to gain insight into the wide range of transcriptome of two Hevea brasiliensis clones (RY8-79 and PR107). The output of sequenced data showed that more than 26 million sequence reads with average length of 90nt were generated in both clones. Totally 51829 unigenes (mean size = 640 bp) were assembled through transcriptome de novo assembly, which represent more than 16-fold of all the sequences of Hevea brasiliensis deposited in the GenBank. Assembled sequences were annotated with gene descriptions, gene ontology and clusters of orthologous group terms. Base on limit rule with FDR=0.001 and |log2 Ratio|=1, 6726 different expression unigenes (3018 up and 3708 down) were detected as PR107 versus RY8-79. Functional analysis showed mass of categories were reprogrammed between two clones, which relate latex generation and expelling difference between them. As a comparative transcriptome analysis, the results obtained here will greatly expand our understanding of physiological differences among varieties in molecular level and will contribute t Overall design: The transcriptome of latex in Hevea brasiliensis
Center Project: GSE59981
External Link: /pubmed:25928745

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2 ( 2 samples )
2 (4.7Gbp; 2.5Gb)
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fastq 4
SRA Lite 2