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Spatially varying cis-regulatory divergence in Drosophila embryos elucidates cis-regulatory logic

Identifiers: SRA: SRP114787
BioProject: PRJNA397062
GEO: GSE102233
Study Type: 
Abstract: Both cis- and trans-acting changes could accumulate and participate in complex interactions, so to isolate the cis-regulatory component of patterning evolution, we measured allele-specific spatial gene expression patterns in Drosophila melanogaster × D. simulans hybrid embryos. RNA-seq of cryosectioned slices revealed 55 genes with strong spatially-varying allele-specific expression, and several hundred more with weaker but significant spatial divergence. Combined with mathematical modeling and regulatory locus editing, we determine the SNP responsible for the allele-specific expression observed in the gene hunchback. Overall design: Embryonic mRNA profiles of mid-stage 5 hybrid and parental embryos were generated using RNA-seq
Center Project: GSE102233
External Link: /pubmed:30383747

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186 ( 186 samples )
239 (214.1Gbp; 88.4Gb)
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fastq 478
SRA Lite 239