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Multi-tissue Assembly of Penaeus monodon Transcriptome

Identifiers: SRA: SRP127068
BioProject: PRJNA421400
Study Type: 
Abstract: This project aimed at producing a comprehensive tissue-specific transcriptome of the black tiger prawn. To this effect, we sequenced three replicates each from nine different tissues: eyestalk (EY); stomach (ST); female gonad (FG); male gonad (MG); gill (GI); haemoplymph (HL); hepatopancrease (HP); lymphoid organ (LO) and muscle (MU). In addition, one pooled replicate was sequenced from each from eight larval stages: embryo (E), nauplii (N), zoea (Z), Mysis (M), post larval days 1 (PL01), 4 (PL04), 10 (PL10) and 15 (PL15).

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57 ( 35 samples )
57 (174.4Gbp; 77.0Gb)
Additional objects:
File type count
fastq 114
SRA Lite 57