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the origin and diversification of Brassica napus

Identifiers: SRA: SRP128554
BioProject: PRJNA428769
Study Type: 
Abstract: Brassica napus is a worldwide multiuse crop, especially as a very important edible oil resource. It is an allopolyploid species naturally hybridized from Brassica rapa (AA=20) and Brassica oleracea (CC=19) about 7,500 years ago. Now, it mainly has three groups: B. napus subsp. oleifera, B. napus subsp. rapifera and B. napus subsp. pabularia. To study its origin and diversification, we use high-throughput RNA-seq and GSS methods sequenced hundreds of B. napus and its two parental species.

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594 ( 376 samples )
594 (1.9Tbp; 935.5Gb)
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fastq 1378
SRA Lite 594