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Protopterus annectens breed:eukaryotic Transcriptome or Gene expression

Identifiers: SRA: SRP162181
BioProject: PRJNA491932
Study Type: 
Abstract: Spinal cord is the major conduit by which information connects between bodyand brain, so an injury in mammals can result in irreversible damages. Amongvertebrates, salamanders and frog tadpoles are the only ones that successfullyregenerate their tails. Lungfishes, the sister group to tetrapods, have aregenerative capacity comparable to salamanders, regenerating a complete tailwith vertebrae and spinal cord. However, very little is known regarding thisprocess. Aiming to understand the mechanisms underlying lungfish tailregeneration, we used the African lungfish as a study object. The RNAsequencing experiments on non-regenerating tail and regenerating tail atdifferent stages of regeneration will help to reveal the genetic basis responsiblefor this regenerative process. We believe that our results will help to establishlungfish as valuable model for future research on bone marrow regeneration invertebrates.
Center Project: Protopterus annectens breed:eukaryotic
External Links: EvoDevo Lab

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12 ( 4 samples )
12 (43.1Gbp; 18.3Gb)
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fastq 24
SRA Lite 12