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Psidium guajava L. cv. L-49 / Sardar Guava - Raw sequence reads

Identifiers: SRA: SRP221347
BioProject: PRJNA564902
Study Type: 
Whole Genome Sequencing
Abstract: L-49/Sardar guava is used as a rootstock for grafting scions of various guava cultivars prevalent in India. The secondary and tertiary roots of 10 years old fruiting tree were used for RNA-Seq to identify root specific genes expressing in guava. The seeds of L-49/sardar guava are very hard. RNA-Seq of strong seeds might indicate the possible mechanism to reduce seed strength by molecular breeding.

Related SRA data

4 ( 2 samples )
4 (3.7Gbp; 1.4Gb)
Additional objects:
File type count
fastq 8
SRA Lite 4