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Insights into the trade-off between reproductive effort and survival from mammals with an annual life-history

Identifiers: SRA: SRP221861
BioProject: PRJNA565840
Study Type: 
Abstract: In this project, we will investigate the semelparous mammals of South America during their short, highly-synchronised breeding seasons. Unveiling the life-history of these enigmatic animals using genomic data (genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes) will deliver insights into the evolution of semelparity, the universal ageing process, and marsupial biology. Data generated in this study will be shared through the community resource, creating opportunities for future studies and aiding conservation efforts.

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128 ( 128 samples )
128 (1.6Tbp; 876.9Gb)
Additional objects:
File type count
fastq 256
SRA Lite 128