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Transcriptomics of granulosa cells(GCs) from healthy follicles(HFs), early atretic follicles(EFs) and late atretic follicle(LFs) in Chinese buffalo

Identifiers: SRA: SRP310172
BioProject: PRJNA713391
GEO: GSE168679
Study Type: 
Transcriptome Analysis
Abstract: Compared with granulosa cells from healthy follicles, 2888 (1790 up-regulated, 1098 down-regulated) and 1629 (1230 up-regulated, 399 down-regulated) DEGs (|FC| > 1.75 and P value < 0.05) were identified in granulosa cells of early atretic follicles and late atretic follicle, respectively. Out of these DEGs, 1217 genes were commonly shared among the two comparisons Overall design: GCs were collected from healthy follicles, early atretic follicles and late atretic follicle for transcriptome analysis using second-generation high-throughput sequencing
Center Project: GSE168679
External Link: /pubmed:34144152

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9 ( 9 samples )
9 (60.4Gbp; 18.4Gb)
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fastq 18
SRA Lite 9